
发布时间:2017-03-16 10:39

名词解释:机械表(mechanical watch )通常可分为下列两种:手动上链及自动上链手表(AUTOMATIC)两种。这两款机械的动力来源皆是靠机芯内的发条为动力,带动齿轮进而推动表针,只是动力来源的方式有异。手动上链的机械表是依靠手动拧动发条作动力,机芯的厚度较一般自动上发条的表薄一些,相对来说手表的重量就轻。而自动上链的手表,是利用机芯的自动旋转盘左右摆动产生动力来驱动发条的,但相对来讲手动上链手表的厚度要比自动上链的小一些。你知道用英语怎么表达吗

Swatch, the world's largest watch company, known for its colorful plastic watches, owns a near-monopoly on the manufacturing and sale of precision mechanical movements and components in the Alpine nation.

But starting next year it will cut essential supplies it has sold to competitors for more than three decades, first by 25%, then tapering them each year until Dec. 31, 2019, when it will pull the plug entirely.


The ruling is one of the biggest shifts to hit Swiss mechanical watch industry since its founding.





文中的mechanical watch就是“机械表”的意思,其中mechanical是形容词,解释为“机械的;机器操作的”,如:The new car had to be withdrawn from the market because of a mechanical defect.(那款新汽车因有机械缺陷只好撤出市场。);它和mechanic是形近词,较易混淆,mechanic用作名词时,意为“机械师;机械学”,如:motor mechanic(汽车机修工)。

文中第一句中的monopoly是名词,意为“垄断”,如:monopoly capital(垄断资本),monopoly price(垄断价格)。
