
发布时间:2017-05-16 15:42


关于三年级英语短文带翻译:Two Physician

An old man finding himself ill sent for a physician, who prescribed for him and went away.


Then the old Man sent for another physician, saying nothing of the first, and an entirely different treatment was ordered.


This continued for some weeks, the physicians visiting him on alternate days and treating him for two different disorders, with constantly enlarging doses of medicine and more and more rigorous nursing. But one day they accidently met at his bedside while he slept, and a violent quarrel ensued when the truth coming out.


"My good friends," said the patient, awakened by the noise of the dispute, and apprehending the cause of it, "pray be more reasonable. If I could for weeks endure you both, can you not for a little while endure each other? I have been well for ten days, but have remained in bed in the hope of gaining by repose the strength that would justify me in taking your medicines. So far I have touched none of it."


关于三年级英语短文带翻译:The two crows

There were once two crows who were fierce rivals.


One day, one of the crows said to the other, "You realize, of course, that I can fly much higher than you can."


"Don't be ridiculous." the other crow said. "Everyone knows that I can fly much higher than you."


"No, you can't." the first crow said.


"Yes, I can." the second crow replied,fly and the argument went on and on.


At last, they decided to have a contest to settle the argument.


"We will compete to find out who can fly the highest while carrying a sack." the first crow said.


They argued for some time over the size of the sack, but eventually came to an agreement.


Then there was further argument about what each sack would contain.


Finally, they agreed that the first crow would fill his sack with cotton and the second crow would fill his with salt.


The first crow thought he was being very clever to agree to this because, of course, salt is much heavier than cotton.


At last, they were ready for the great contest, and holding their sacks in their beaks, they flew up into the sky.


They had not been flying for long, however, when it began to rain -- as the second crow had expected it would.


As the cotton got wetter and wetter, it became heavier and heavier.


However, the salt just dissolved in the rain, so the second crow was easily able to fly higher than the first.


关于三年级英语短文带翻译:This is a Holdup

Monday was Nick's first day at the National Trust Bank. He wanted to make a good impression.


When he arrived at work, everyone was already very busy. No one even bothered to look up from their work. He took his spot at counter number three and began to serve clients as they came in.


The day was going smoothly until about 11 am when two men approached his counter. One of them grabbed his new tie. The other pointed a gun at him. "This is a holdup. Give us the money", one said.


Nick was terrified. "It is my first day, I don't know where the safe is," he said. "Don't lie to us, get us the money or we'll shoot you." Nick had to think fast. "Okay, it's down here. Hold on."


Nick pretended to reach down under his desk. Instead, he got down on the ground, slid under his desk and grabbed both men's legs. He tackled them and they fell to the ground. The police were called and Nick saved the day!

