Any woman who has applied for a job in a male-dominated field faces a quandary: Does she play up her feminine strengths, such as being supportive or a good listener, or emphasize traits more associated with men, such as assertiveness?
It turns out that showcasing "manliness" is the better strategy, according to a study in the latest issue of Psychology of Women Quarterly.
They find that women who are assertive and confident — and can turn those traits on and off depending on the situation — get more promotions than either men or other women.

文中的manliness用作名词,意为“男子气概,刚毅”,如:He has no doubts about his manliness.(他毫不怀疑自己的男子气概。);其形容词为manly,意为“有男子气概的;强壮的”,如:You are a human full of manly independence!(你是一个非常独立的男子汉!)
时下所说的“女汉子”,就是网上流传的“胆大艺高真性情,开朗直爽有气场”的女孩,这类姑娘可以用“tough girl”来表示,也可以用“cowgirl”一词来表达。