牛津上海版七年级上册英语Unit 10教案

发布时间:2017-06-13 19:45

在上Unit10 A birthday party这一课前,英语教师要做好怎样的教学准备工作呢?下面小编就和大家分享2017年牛津上海版七年级上册英语Unit 10教案,希望对大家有帮助!

2017年牛津上海版七年级上册英语Unit 10教案


1. 学习掌握本单元重要词汇:spring roll, soya milk, would rather (not) do sth.

2. 理解课文文本并熟读

3. 能正确运用核心句型去提出建议并给出相应回答及理由:

Shall we have some _____? / Let’s have some _____.

Yes, that’s a good idea because… Let’s have some _____.

No, I don’t like _____ very much because… I’d rather have some _____.

4. 感知亲友间关心的重要性,鼓励学生对朋友家人表达关爱


1. 理解课文,熟读模仿

2. 运用句型:Shall we have some _____? / Let’s have some _____.

Yes, that’s a good idea because… Let’s have some _____.

No, I don’t like _____ very much. I’d rather have some _____ because…


1. 根据不同情境活用句型


Steps Learning activities Teaching purposes

Lead-in 1. Enjoy some pictures and a song.

2. Answer two question:

1) What food or drink did you see?

2) What’s your favourite food and drink? 激发学生兴趣,词汇铺垫

Input 1. Teach the new phrases.

2. Teach and practice the sentence patterns.

3. Listen to the recording and complete the table.

4. Read the text and have a role play.

5. Complete the dialogues 根据文本内容训练学生的听说能力,帮助学生理解课文并适当扩展,并通过练习、角色扮演巨型操练等巩固

Output 1. Add a sentence pattern of giving the suggestion.

2. Group work: make a dialogue and buy some presents for Ben. 通过更换情境来检测学生对句型的掌握,突破食物和饮料的局限,使句型进一步应用在生活中


1. Answer a question: What can we learn from the shopping?

2. Show some pictures and say something about these pictures. (care more about your friends and family members.) 情感教育:关注朋友,更要关爱家人,为回家作业铺垫


1. Listen to the recording of the text twice and read after the tape twice.

2. Group work: choose a present for our mothers. 让学生通过听、说、读进一步巩固本节听说课所学知识


【导入】pre-task preparation

Have a free talk

When is your birthday?

Did you have a birthday party in the past?

Are you going to have a birthday party next year?

Who are you going to invite?

【讲授】while-task procedure

1. Learn different common ways of opening and responding a telephone conversation

(1) Listen to the tape

(2) Answer the question What are they doing?

(3) Find out the common ways of opening and responding a telephone conversation

2. Learn the new word and phrase

free, be free

4. Learn how to politely accept or decline an invitation

5. Practise politely accepting or refusing an invitation with the partner

6. Talk about the possible activities at Ben’s birthday party

7. Learn the new words and phrases

karaoke, sound, chess, forward, look forward to

8. Listen to the tape

9. Listen to the tape and repeat

10. Read the dialogue in roles

11. Answer some questions about the dialogue

(1) what does“What a pity”mean in Chinese?

(2) what does“see you then”mean in Chinese?

(3)Why does Kitty invite the friends instead of Ben?

【活动】post-task activity

12. Conclude this lesson

13. Plan a birthday party for your best friend and make a phone call to invite the other friends to the party


1. Complete the learning sheet

2. Answer some questions about the dialogue

(1) What are they talking about?

(2)When and where will the party start?

(3) What are they going to do at the party?

(4) Who is going to come to the party? Why?

(5)What does Peter think of Kitty’s plan?_

(6)Why isn’t Jill going to the party?_

(7)What does Jill ask Kitty to do?_

(8) what does“What a pity”mean in Chinese?_

(9) what does“see you then”mean in Chinese?

(10)Why does Kitty invite the friends instead of Ben?

3. Plan a birthday party for another friend , make a phone call to invite your classmates to the party and write down your dialogue.

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