
发布时间:2016-12-02 15:03


幼儿英语小故事短文:The mice stole the corn

In the forest, a lovely and hard-working kitten, it in the river a some of the corn, and often to corn watering, fertilizing, weeding, corn day taller, to bear the one corn on the cob.

One day, a mouse smell of corn flavor, faint fragrance make it drool with envy. It was a few, quickly jumped on a tall tree, looking around. All of a sudden, it shines, see the river green green corn, maize root straight rod reclining one fat baby. They had a brown hair, wearing a green coat, surrounded by a piece of long and narrow leaves is especially attractive. Mouse, greedy DC slobber. It's ready to steal the corn tomorrow.

The second day in the morning, the cat to go out to work, it is worried that corn will be someone else to steal, so called the elephant to help it to guard the corn. Mouse came quietly corn beside, it saw the elephants keep beside the corn step did not leave, but added indignity back.

To the night sky of stars naughty wink the its bright big eyes, the moon sister smiling looked at the earth, the night is very quiet, only the cicadas occasionally sends out one or two shrill scream. Mouse lying in bed, toss about how also can not sleep, think it during the day did not get their hands on the corn doll, my heart straight itch. "Hey, tonight the moon so bright, small animal who are asleep, go to steal corn." The mouse move on the move, it changed a night clothes, put on thick cotton padded shoes, wore a pair of black glasses. It tiptoes to corn, looking at a fat baby, mouse touch this touch the, each all let him fondle admiringly. Finally, it picked up several biggest, fee a Herculean effort broke down, thought: "tonight can finally a meal." At this time, the cat's light suddenly lit up. "Bad, is it to be found?" Mouse Satui ran, while running corn side out, mouse did not dare look back to see, breath ran home, tired it gasp for breath. In this way, the mouse may be too frightened to lie in bed for a whole week, only to slow down the god.

Shortly afterwards, the kitten corn snapping, it to each animal sent five root, the mouse of maize, it is embarrassed, red face low head.

Since then, every spring, mouse in planted corn seeds, summer can eat delicious corn stick, autumn and winter nor for food and worry about, mice are particularly grateful to send a kitten to oneself the five roots of maize.


幼儿英语小故事短文:The fox eats the chicken

In the forest, who knows the fox to set their own rules: every day to eat three chickens. The chicken although temperament weak mild, but finally a chick who could not help, because if this continues, the chicken certainly will soon were all buried in the belly of the fox, then die sonless the.

One day, the leaders of the cock cock called the chickens, and discussed how to keep the fox from eating chicken every day. Then a big chicken speech: "or I led a team to the fox petition! Maybe the fox will have pity on us, let go!" Chief white Rooster thought to say: "Oh, well, this is the only way, who calls us is the weak!" So chaffinches convened a petition team set out, a beggar walking to Fox door loudly petition: "brother fox Oh, please don't eat us." The fox heard the chickens say it was big brother, eyes are narrowed into a line. Chaffinch they saw the situation then went on to say: "eldest brother ah, animals we this is a, should live in peace, so I beg you, you don't eat us." Fox immediately changed his face said: "I do not eat your words that I eat what ah?" Said the fox rushed to lead the chaffinch a mouth to bite the and the rest of the chickens were fleeing in all directions, all to no avail, -- was a fox bite to eat. Mouth flow of oil fox cachinnation: "ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, I really great ah, chicks, I will to you all eat." This scene just happened to be seen by a frog, the frog hurried to the chicken house told the chickens, so they are ready, the chickens are anxious like ants on a hot pan. Suddenly a big red rooster said: "I think of a way! We are not good friends with human beings, you can ask for help ah!" Big white cock eyes a bright, said: "this is a good way, you go to please our good friend - hunters to ah!"

The second day early in the morning, the chickens will see the fox in a threatening manner to wake up, busy hunter. So the fox has not been slow to God to be killed by the hunter.

Without the scourge of the fox, the chickens can be free to live in the forest, soon to breed the next generation, and grow the chickens. Chicken is also grateful animal, in order to repay the human life-saving grace, they provide mankind with delicious egg.

幼儿英语小故事短文:Monkey school

Go to school! Go to school!" In the morning, the monkey carrying new bags, while cheering, while leap ran off to school. Before the monkey every day and look forward to their fast growth, quick seven. Because the full seven years old, can go to school. Ah! This day has finally come.

Along the way, Little Monkey think: "school must be very fun, can sit electric horse, can climb the elephant slide, also and the lamb, rabbit, Dallas and other many of my classmates do fun games. School also must have a panda, orangutans, ducks and other teacher, I can learn a lot of knowledge with them, grew up like Dr. orangutan, the design of power station of the animal kingdom, or when a scientist, driving a spacecraft on the moon, the moon must have many more interesting and more fun place... The monkey has imperceptibly come to the school. Into the school, the school was very lively, there are many students, the teacher saw it for the first time, duh!

Class, the first class is chinese. Panda teacher seriously on the blackboard to teach you to learn to write "one or two, three" and other words. The monkey lie on the desk, follow the teacher wrote again "one or two, three," he proudly think: Chinese too easy. "One" is a horizontal, "two" is the two horizontal, "three" is the three horizontal, "four or five, six" is the four horizontal, five horizontal, six horizontal it? I've learned it all! Later, I became a scientist, not only to go to the moon to play, but also on Mars, venus...... "Ding Lingling......" The bell rang, the monkey suddenly awakened the dream of flying in space.

On the second day, the Chinese class began again. Panda monkey on the blackboard the teacher taught yesterday "one or two, three or four, five or six" write out. Monkey ready to go to the blackboard, proudly wrote: "in one or two, three......" In turn drew 21 strokes. Who knows, the whole class set the whole room roaring with laughter. The monkey thought rather baffling classmates laugh, what? Don't I write it right? At this time, the teacher on the blackboard please panda dog and monkey before the wrong words a correct. Then the teacher praised the little puppy class to concentrate on listening, teachers can teach the knowledge learned hand, the future will be able to become a useful talent. Monkey listened to the teacher's remarks, the floret dog and compared, to recognize his absent-minded, just want to play, do not seriously study, this is learned knowledge.

Since then, little monkey learned a lesson, class not to wander, go home after conscientiously do their homework, no sudden, a joke.






