牛津译林版五年级下册英语Unit 5试题(一)

发布时间:2017-03-10 11:50

不管对于哪一门学科的学习,我们都要学会去做试题卷,因为它不仅能够检测出学生们的学习情况,而且还能够起到激励学生学习动力的作用!下面是小编整理的牛津译林版五年级下册英语Unit 5试题(一),相信这些文字会对你有所帮助!

牛津译林版五年级下册英语Unit 5试题(一)


1.read 2.dance 3.swim 4.like 5.play 6.watch 7.study 8.run 9.have 10.teach 11.fly 12.make 13.take 14.help 15.do 16.go

1. 各种职业和人称

(1)Nancy is a _______. She likes _______ stories.

A. write; writing B. writer; write C. writer; writing

(2)【易错】—What _______ Jack do? — He’s a _______.

A. do; cook B. does; cooker C. does; cook

(3) —What’s_______ job? —He’s a cook. A.my B.your C.his D.her

(4)【易错】Su Hai’s parents are _______. A. cooks B.cookers C. cookes

(5)Why do you like (drive)?

(6)My mother (like) (make) sweets.

(7)There are lots of __________(人) in the forest.

(8)The us Art.(teach)

2. 主谓宾的肯定【有动词三单式】

(1)She ______ in the hospital. She is a ______.

A. works; nurse B. work; doctor C. works; farmer

(2)Tom’s uncle___ a new house. A.have B.has C.there is D.is

(3)Liu Tao’s mother at home every day. A.teachs B.is teach C.teaches

(4)They all (work) in the factory.

(5)The man in blue (teach) us English.

3. 主谓宾的一般疑问句 和 特殊疑问句

(1)【易错】____ your uncle work in a factory? A. Is B. Does C. Do

(2)【易错】____ your uncle in a factory? A. Is B. Does C. Do

(3)--What they do? --They’re workers. A.do B.does C.are

(4)I (teach) my brother.

(5)My (teach) is a woman.

(6)He (not work) in the factory.

4. 复习主系表句型

(1)His father is a _______ teacher. A. art B. English C. maths

(2) your father a teacher? A.Are B.Do C.Is

5. 复习There be句型, 和can的用法

(1)There are so many ________ in the river. A. boat B. fish C. flower

(2)_______she sweets? A.Can, make B.Does, makes C. Are, making

(3)--What’s in the box? -- some bread. A.There are B. There is C. They are

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