
发布时间:2016-11-10 10:21



My son,who made the dean’s list in his freshman year at Ball State University in Muncie, Indiana, called home a few weeks after starting his sophomore year as a psychology student.


"Mom,” he said excitedly, "I have found the answer to surviving college 1 It isn't the grades that are so important , but the quality of what is learned and how it is applied to daily life. I’m lucky to be having these wonderful experiences!”


"And just what does this mean?" I asked.


"I' m flunking math.” he replied.



Our son, Chris,is a premed student at Georgia Southern University in Statesboro. He is fortunate to have a job in the research lab, where they are studying Lyme disease. Recently he called home and told us that he had received a promotion. "Great!” I said. "You can always use more money.”


There was a slight pause before Chris responded,"Well,I didn’t exactly get more money. But they did give me more keys.”



My two sisters and I were all away at various colleges at the same time. One day,after facing one crisis too many and tired of being treated like just another undergraduate, I phoned home for some consolation and understanding of my unique problems.


When my dad answered,I immediately launched into my litany of frustrations with college life. As 1 paused to catch my breath, he said,"O. K.,honey. . . now, first of all,who is this?"

