名词解释: 黄金厕纸的设计灵感来自迪拜,22K金厕纸像普通厕纸一样有三层,每卷黄金厕纸都需要长达4年的时间慢慢打造而成。你知道怎么用英语表达吗?
Now, for those who truly want to wow guests–or simply want to flush some excess money down the loo, there is... gold toilet paper. The roll, sold by an Australian company, is made from 22-carat gold and costs a staggering $1,376,900.00.
The company claims that each roll–which comes with a free bottle of champagne–will be delivered personally. And for those concerned that metal may not provide a gentle wipe, the roll is three-ply to ensure the utmost comfort.

文中的###gold toilet paper就是“黄金厕纸”的意思,其中toilet paper即解释为“厕纸”。文中的roll作名词用,解释为“卷状物”,即指代厕纸。“wow”作动词使用,解释为"使……惊叹”,例如:wow guests 惊呆了客人。