
发布时间:2016-11-21 13:45


This is an episode from the Three Kingdoms.Cao cao sent a letter to Zhou Yu to summon him tosurrender. Zhou Yu tore Cao's letter to pieces.Zhou Yu's classmate, Jiang Gan, was working forCao Cao as an adviser, Jiang offered to travel toWu to persuade Zhou Yu to surrender. One daywhile Zhou Yu was discussing with his subordinateshow to defeat Cao Cao, he was told that Jiang Ganhad come to see him. Zhou immediately figured outthat Jiang must have come to persuade him tosurrender. Zhou Yu devised a clever plan to thwart his efforts and enlisted the help of hissubordinate to carry it out. Then he went to meet Jiang Gan all smiles. Zhou Yu took JiangGan's hands and marshaled him into his tent and treated him to a banquet. When all hisgenerals and subordinates came for dinner, Zhou Yu told those around the table: “This is anold friend or mine. Though he came from the Cao Cao camp, he did not come to persuade meto surrender. Please do not suspect him.” After the banquet, Zhou Yu pretended that hehad too much and invited Jiang Gan to his bedroom for a rest. Zhou Yu soon pretended tohave fallen asleep. Jiang Gan took this chance to thumb through Zhou Yu's documents. He wasshocked to find a letter from Cai Mao and Zhang Yun, two generals of the Cao camp, whohad written Zhou Yu to surrender. Jiang hid letter of surrender in his pocket and returned tothe bed, pretending that he was sill asleep.


After midnight, someone sneaked into Zhou Yu's tent and woke him up, telling him “Amessenger came from the Cao camp to say that Cai Mao and Zhang Yun were not yet aposition to carry out their plan.” After he heard the news, Zhou Yu went back to sleep. JiangGan got up again silently and snuck out of Zhou Yu's camp. He crossed the river immediatelyand handed the letter of surrender to Cao Cao. Cao was enraged and he had Cai Mao andZhang Yun executed.

When the news spread to Wu, Zhou Yu burst into laughter and said, “Cai Mao andZhang Yun were the two generals I feared most. Now I fear no one.” Before long, Cao caorealized that he was cheated by Zhou Yu's stratagem of sowing distrust in Cao's camp.


