
发布时间:2017-04-09 08:45



A: Hello, James! Why are you in such a hurry?


J: I’m going to the library. It closes at 6 o’clock p.m. and now it’s approaching half past five.


A: I’m going to renew my books in the library. We can go together. Do you find any interesting book recently?


J: Yeah. I’m reading a book about the culture of American universities. I'm especially interested about the secret societies in the universities.

J:我最近在读一本关于美国大学校园文化的书。我对那些大学里的秘密组织非常有 兴趣。

A: Secret societies?


J: Yes, like Skull and Bones at Yale University.


A: I never heard about it. What do they do in the secret society?


J: Well, there are a lot of speculations about Skull and Bones. But its members are forbidden to talk about it to outsiders. So, it’s still a mystery to the public.

J:现在有很多关于骷髅会的揣测,但是骷髅会禁止其成员跟外人谈论它。所以对大 众来说,骷髅会仍然是个谜。

A: Then who can become the members of the Skull and Bones?


J: To become a member of Skull and Bones, one must have notable family background, have received good education and have his/her own capabilities.

J:要想成为骷髅会的一员,必须要有显赫的家庭背景,受过良好的教育,同时还具 备超强的个人能力。

A: So the members are all very powerful!


J: Exactly!


A: Here is the library. Let’s borrow books first.


J: Ok.



L: I had a pet dog back in China. She is a girl and her name is Little.


M: She must be cute.


L: Yes. She is very beautiful and I used to play with her. We are best friends.

L:是的。她长得很漂亮,我们经常一 起玩儿。我们是最好的朋友。

M: So now you are in America, how about Little?

M:那么,你现在来美国了,小不点儿 怎么办?

L: She is at home with my mom... Speaking of this, I'm a little bit homesick. I miss my parents, and I miss Little.


M: Oh, I see you. But cheer up! You’ll have new friends here.


L: Hopefully.


M: Have you heard of Handsome Dan XVII?


L: I'd heard of him. I thought Handsome Dan was a handsome young man, but told that he is abulldog who serves as the Yale mascot.

L:听说过。我原以为英俊的丹尼是一位帅气的年轻人,但是别人告诉我它是一条作 为耶鲁吉祥物的牛头犬。

M: Exactly. You know, it is popular in America for a university to have a mascot. Then have you seen him or not? Do you like him?

M:是呀。每所大学都有自己的吉祥物,这在美国很流行。那见过丹尼十七世吗? 你喜欢它吗?

L: No, I haven’t got the chance to see him yet.


M: Maybe later we shall go together to see him. I’m sure you’ll love him.


L: That’s music to my ears.


M: By the way, do you know the history of Handsome Dans?


L: rd read something about the original Handsome Dan. He is Yalies’ beloved dog. Even after his death, people still bear him in mind constantly.

L:我读过一些关于丹尼一世的东西。它是耶鲁久最爱的吉祥物。即便在它死后,人 们仍然对它念念不忘。

M: Right. The dog was so cute that he made himself endeared to every Yale student.


L: By the way, I know nothing about the later ones. Would you please tell me more?


M: Sure. After his death, there was no successor until 1933,when Dan II was purchased with the pennies of freshmen. He is known as a jinx because on his only appearance at one Harvard-Yale football game, Harvard won. What’s more, the “Bad Dan” was photographed licking the boots of the John Harvard statue which were smeared with hamburger meat.

M:没问题。丹尼一世死后_直设有继任者,直到1933年,才用大_新生们的捐款 买来了丹尼二世。它只在耶鲁对哈佛的球赛中出现过一次,结果哈佛赢了,因此 丹尼二世被叫做“扫把星”。此外,这只“可恶的丹尼”还被拍到舔食约翰?哈佛 雕像的靴子上的肉酱。

L: He betrayed Yale.


M: Well, you may say that.


L: Tell me more, please. How about the later Dans?


M: The following successors met much difficulty and disaster. For example, Dan III and Dan VIII retired because of discomfort with public appearances. Dan VI died of a car accident. Dan IX fell off of the Yale Boathouse dock and was found head first in the muddy riverbed, nearly drowning.

M:接下来的几位继承者命运多舛。比如,丹尼三世和丹尼八世因为不习惯在公众面 前露面而被迫退休;丹尼六世死于车祸:丹尼九世从船坞上掉下来,头朝下栽到 河床的泥里,差点儿淹死。

L: Dogs are dogs.


M: Dan XII is the only female Handsome Dan. She was pugnacious and stubborn, but lovable. She,d like to be intimate with people, and when she was angry, she would growl deep in the throat.

M:丹尼第十二世是惟一一位女性“英俊的丹尼”。它生性好斗而顽固,但是很讨人 喜欢。它喜欢与人亲热,但是生气的时候喉咙里又会发出深沉的低吼,令人害怕。

L: She had a unique personality. Didn’t she?


M: Exactly. She was nicknamed “Bingo”. When Yale cheerleaders sang Bingo an Bulldog during the games, Bingo would start her performance with the rhythm,moving around the field.

M:确实。人们绐它起了 “宾果"的昵称。比赛中,每当啦啦队队员们演唱〈宾果〉和(牛 头犬之歌〉,它就会随着旋律表演起来,在场上走来走去。

L: She is really cute. It seems that you are familiar with every Dan.


M: Of course. Handsome Dan is the representative of Yale. Yalies love dogs. You know, now it’s common sense to live harmoniously with animals. They bring us much fun.

M:当然啦。"英俊的丹尼’’是耶鲁的象征。耶鲁人爱狗,而且,"人与动物应和谐共 处”已经成为共识。动物能带给我们很多乐趣。

L: Are there any outstanding figures?


M: Let me think. It’s Dan XIII. He served in office longer than any other Handsome Dans. Because of the untimely death of his successor, he had to come out of retirement to serve again.

M:让我想想。是丹尼十三世。它比其他‘‘英俊的丹尼”任期都长。由于它的继任者 不含时宜地死去,它不得不在退休之后又重返岗位。

L: He must have done a good job.


M: Yeah. He showed great patience in the tedium of posing for professional photographers, attended many activities, and his love of Yale was evident in many ways: he would sing along with the Yale fight song at least in the “bow wow wow” part; he would “play dead” when asked whether he would rather die or join Harvard; and he would launch assaults on mascots of opposing teams.

M:是的。面对单调乏味的拍照,它都耐心地摆好姿势,还参加过许多活动。它在很 多方面都表现出对耶鲁的热爱。比如,它会跟着唱 <耶鲁战斗之歌>,至少在“汪 汪汪"这一部分;当被问到是愿意选择死亡还是愿意加入哈佛的队伍,它就装死; 另外,它还会对对手学校的吉祥物发起猛攻。

L: He is really qualified. How about the present handsome Dan XVII?


M: Well, I'll keep silent about that. Let’s go together to visit him.


L: Good idea.


B:If only someone patted me on the shoulder and ordered me to go back to my room.


S:You want to join in the Skull and Bones?


B:Yes. Don’t you?


S:I do. But I don’t think any of us met their requirements. You know, to be one of its members, you need to be extremely excellent in every respect.

S:我也想。但是,我觉得我们俩都不够条件。要知道,想成为骷髅会的成员,自身 条件必须在各个方面都很优越。

B:That’s true. I think it's every Yalie,s dream to join it. No one will be fool enough to refuse the request from Skull and Bones.

B:那倒是。我想,每个耶鲁人都梦想加入骷髅会吧。一旦受到遨请,没有人会傻到 拒绝它。

S:I heard that there was somebody who said NO to the organization. It’s former Yale President Kingman Brewster Jr. Do you know him?

S:我可听说,有一个人曾经对骷髅会说"不”哦。就是曾经的耶鲁校长小金曼?布 鲁斯特。你知道他吗?

B:Yes, of course I do. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. And as an undergraduate, he was the chairman of The Yale Daily News. He was also an ardent opponent of America’s intervention into World War II and was an outspoken isolationist. No wonder he was valued by Skull and Bones.

B:是的,当然知道。他出身豪门,大学期间,又担任《耶鲁每日新闻> 的主编,是 一名热情的反战者,反对美国介入二战,还是一位直言不讳的孤立主义者。难怪 他会被骷髅会看中呢。

S: But why he refused such a good opportunity?


B: God knows.


S: Anyway, he was really something. There were a lot of awe-inspiring events in his whole lifetime. You know, when he served as Yale president, he weathered a succession of controversies such as rejecting calls to dismiss the university chaplain.

S:不管怎么说,他真是_个了不起的人物。他一生中做过许多令人肃然起敬的事情。 你应该知道吧,他做耶鲁校长的时候,经受住了一系列争议,比如,他拒绝解聘校园牧师

B: What’s more, under Mr. Brewster, Yale enhanced the quality of its faculty and student body and added new programs in various fields. Thanks to his effort, Yale has grown to be a first-rate academic program that was excellent in many areas.

B:此外,在布鲁斯特校长的领导下,耶鲁的教职工水平及学生层次都得到了提高, 各个领域都增加了许多新项目。由于他的努力,耶鲁大学形成了在各个领域都很 出色的一流的学术体系。

S: That’s true. Yale is where she is because of those wisdom presidents. Ah, one great contribution of Mr. Brewster was that during his tenure, Yale enrolled more minority students and began admitting women as undergraduates.

S:是的。耶鲁能有今天,那些英明的校长们功不可设。对了,布鲁斯特校长还有一 个伟大贡献,就是在他任职期间,耶鲁扩招少数民族的学生,并且开始招收女大学生。

B: But by 1977, the year he stepped down from his Yale post, there was widespread criticism of his presidency and of university activities and policies in his era. Yale had various financial problems.

B:但是,到他1977年离职的时候,针对他任内的业绩、组织的活动、实行的政策, 存在大片谴责之声。那时候,耶鲁面临着各种各样的财政问题。

S: You mean his attitude toward antiwar protesters and people in the civil rights movement on the Yale campus?


B: Yeah, there was widespread ill feeling among alumni who believe that Mr. Brewster was toolenient toward those people. But I don’t agree.

B:是的。校友们对此存在普遍不满,他们认为布鲁斯特对那些人太仁慈了。但是, 我不这样认为。

S: I see. During the Vietnam War in 1960s, the U.S. government ordered that ConscientiousObjectors',event)">Conscientious Objectors are not allowed to be granted scholarship. While manyprestigious universities in U.S. followed this instruction, Yale still adhered to its academic independence and continued to put the applicant’s performance as the sole principle for scholarship, without observing government’s regulations.

S:这我知道。20世纪60年代正值越战期间,美国政府下令:凡是自称以道德或宗 教理由反战的学生一律不准得到奖学金。当时美国许多名校都遵照政府的指示行 事,惟独耶鲁坚守学术独立的一贯作风,仍以申请者的成绩为考虑奖学金的惟一 原则,完全漠视政府的规定。

B: As a result, Yale lost a large number of funds from the federal government and went into financial troubles several times.


S: However, in my opinion, Mr. Brewster did the right thing because he maintained Yale’s spirit.


B: Great minds think alike. As a matter of fact, he did gain respect from both Yalies and Non-Yalies, including the Harvard president.


S: Well, I'm leaving since it’s hopeless for the Skull and Bones to discover me. How about you?


B: Let’s go together.

