
发布时间:2017-01-05 18:08



what kind (of sth) 哪一种/何种东西

a kind of sth (单数)一种

all kinds of sth (复数)各种各样

different /many /some kinds of sth (复数)不同/许多/一些种类Beijing Opera京剧

stay at home =be at home 呆在家里

for the reason 因为, 因为某种原因

in a word一句话,总而言之

in fact事实上

look for寻找


find out(经过一番努力)找出

look at sth 朝…看

look like=be like看上去象

look the same看起来一样

look out (of sth) 朝…外看/小心

look sth up (in a dictionary) 查找

look around环顾四周

look after=take care of=care for照顾

look after sb well=take good care of sb =care for sb well很好照顾某人

see a comedy/tragedy看一场喜剧/悲剧

sleepless night不眠之夜

on weekend在周末

thanks = thank you /thank sb.感谢某人

thanks very much非常感谢

thanks for (sth. /doing sth)为…而感谢某人

learn a lot / much学会了许多

want to be想成为

… be going to be打算成为/将成为

for the same reason为了同样的理由

at a very fast speed以一个很快的速度

succeed in doing sth成功做某事

What do you like best? =What’s your favorite ?你最喜欢的…是什么?

like sth best = be one’s favorite最喜欢某物

at night = in the evening在晚上

tell sb sth告诉某人某事

tell sb about sth 告诉某人关于某事

tell sb. to do sth.告诉某人做某事

in Beijing /+大地点在北京/在某地

go to school去学校/去上学

go home回家

go to do sth去做某事

go to see sth /sb去看某物/某人

go to (see) a film(s) = go to (watch) a movie(s) = go to the cinema去看电影

go to +the+地点n./the museum/the mountain go doing/swimming/hiking/sightseeing…read a story /stories读/看故事

young/old people年轻人/老人

on weekend(s)在周末

pictures of Beijing Opera京剧剧照

Chinese /American history中国历史

exciting story /stories振奋人心的故事

Chinese action movie(s)中国动作/武打片

great actor(s)巨星

famous actor(s) /actress(es)著名演员

summer camp夏令营

rock band摇滚乐队

talent show天才表演

a little少量

fill in填充

play the guitar弹吉他

play the piano弹钢琴

go dancing去跳舞

speak English说英语

a job一个工作

in summer在夏天

talk to sb对某人讲话

talk with sb与某人交谈

on Sunday(s)在星期天

in Japan 在日本

little girl/boy小男孩/女孩

join the…club参加…俱乐部

English club 英语俱乐部

chess club象棋俱乐部

art club艺术俱乐部

swimming club游泳俱乐部

painting club绘画俱乐部

singing club唱歌俱乐部

play sth well玩得很好

be good with sb和某人相处愉快

play the drums打鼓

sing or dance唱歌或跳舞


school concert学校音乐会

sth/sb wanted 征聘

tell sth. to sb = tell sb sth告述某人某事

be in …成为…的成员

for more information需要更多信息

make a list列清单

show sb sth/show sth to sb把…给某人看

what time几点

go to work去上班

sleep a little longer睡晚一些

get up (反义go to bed)起床

put on (反义take off) 穿上/脱掉

get to=arrive at/in/reach+地点 到达某地

listen to听

…go to bed上床睡觉

do homework做作业

go home回家

take/have a shower沐浴

be busy (with sth)/doing sth忙于做某事

make a schedule制作一张时间表

take a bus/taxi/train/subways乘公共汽车

write to sb写信给某人

write and tell me sth请写信告诉我某事

answer one’s letter回信给某人

do one’s homework 做某人的作业

Class begins开始上课

make a breakfast做早餐

…have/eat breakfast/lunch/supper/dinner吃早餐/吃午餐/晚餐

have a rich lunch吃一顿丰盛的午餐

after breakfast/lunch/supper早/中/晚饭后

make a survey作调查

practice (doing) sth练习做某事

practice (playing) the guitar练习弹吉他

watch the morning news on TV早间新闻
