
发布时间:2017-03-06 11:49




Prepare Yourself自己做好准备

A story around campus has it that a student once sent a telegram to his parents reading:"Mo-flunked all courses. Kicked out of school.Prepare Pop."


Two days later he received a response:"Pop prepared. Prepare yourself.”



Professor And The Deaf Mute独特的考试形式人


A professor was known for being a generous marker. The grades he gave for one of his courses were based solely on two exams,and the stuff on the exams was covered entirely in the textbook. As word of the course spread,each term there was a large group of students who turned up infrequently,or not at all,just showing up for the exams. Finally, it got so bad that one term,about half of the students never turned up at all until the exams. On the day of first exam,the students sat down and a graduate assistant handed out the papers, explaining,"The professor is ill,so I’II be taking the exams.”When they opened the booklet,the students discovered just one question. It listed twenty grainy staff photos,and the instructions read,"Circle the picture of the professor who teaches this course.”


The Reason For Not没去钓鱼的奇论

Young Johnny turned up late for Sunday school one morning and the teacher wanted to know why. "Well,I was going to fishing,but my dad wouldn’t let me,"said Johnny.


“I should think not,”replied the teacher."And did your father explain why you should not go fishing on this day2”


“Oh yeah,”said Johnny.“He said he didn't have enough bait for both of us."




Should Not Be Punished不受处罚

A secondary school student asked his teacher if a person should be punished for something he hadn’t done.“No,”said the teacher. "Of course not.”


"Good,”said the boy.“I haven’t done my homework.”




Applied Psychology应用心理学

After the student delivered the pizza to old Ken's house,Ken asked,"What is the usual tip?”

"Well,”replied the youth,"this is my first trip here,but the other blokes say if I get 5p out of you,I’II be doing great.”


"Is that sot”snorted Ken. "Well,just to show them how wrong they are,here’s five quid.”


"Thanks,”replied the youth,“I'll put this towards to my studies.”


"What are you studying”asked Ken.The lad smiled and said,"Applied psychology.”

