
发布时间:2017-05-11 15:56



人物:追星A, 追星B,追星C,明星,车主 旁白 经纪人

旁白:A girl is crazy about a star called Handsome+人名. Even when she is asleep, she can dream that man.

A:(打哈欠),I need to go to bed, I’m so sleepy.(打哈欠)——边走边说 (趴在讲台上睡)


旁白:In her dream……


A:Oh, it’s a fine day. (假装看天) (然后突然不经意的拿起一本书翻看)

明星:(上台):Oh, it’s a fine day. (然后坐凳子)


A:Are you … are you that … super star?(激动地说不出话)

明星:(随意的回答) Yes, what’s wrong?

A: I’m your fan,super fan. Your photos are full of my bedroom, no, they are full of my house, including kitchen, living room, bedrooms, and… and toilet.



明星:You are too…enthusiastic [in,θju:zi'?stik]. (有点嫌弃)

A: Can you give me your signature?


明星:Ok ,of course!

A:(大声喊)Oh ,I will have the Handsome______’s signature


B:Please ,please give me signature!!!!!!!

C: No, give it to me, to me!!!


A: Why the result is this ?(抱头痛哭,边走边哭,然后走到睡觉的那个地方,恢复原来的样子,还有点啜泣)

A: Er? Where is it? Oh,it’s just a dream , but ,it’s a bad dream.

It’s too early, I want sleep.(又趴下去)

旁白:In her second dream, the scene is at the crossroads.

A: Look at the tall buildings, they like the …like the …I don’t have any adjrectives to describe them.


A:Oh ,look at there, that man is like a star ! Oh ,Oh ,Oh ,(一次比一次激动)he is …..he is…..Handsome_______!I want his signature! But there is too much cars, What can I do? What can I do? I don’t care this any more, the signature is more important!


车主:Look out!

Aon’t come here, don’t come here!(闭着眼睛) (车主迅速下台)


A:A dream .too? Oh, my god, Why do I always can’t get the signature? No, I must get it, sleep again! Yes ,sleep! But ,why do I stand here? I should lie in the bed. Whether these, I must go to bed and get the signature!(趴着又睡)

旁白:In her third dream

(明星在签名,A前面有B, C)

经纪人:One by one,Don’t be wrought-up

A: Yeah,I can get it at last. Before me ,there are only two people.


B:I love you very much. My dreamlover.

明星:Thank you


C: Oh,I meet you ,can I hug with you ?




A: I can get your signature in the end! I’m so excited


明星:Sorry, can I go to the toilet for a moment? My stomach is hurt a lot.(难受)

A: Yes, make yourselfe at home.


A: Handsome_______ has gone to toilet for such a long time. Is he ok?

经纪人对A说:Sorry, the girl, Handsome_____ perhaps can’tcome here to give you signature, He is too hurt. He went home.

A: Ah? Why always me ? (伤心地离开,走到睡着的地方)


A :Why always me ? I only want a signature~~ ai~~ What time is it now ? (
