
发布时间:2017-03-29 13:23



如今世界粮食短缺,价格飞涨,给部分地区造成社会动荡。假设在你校开展的研究性学习中,你们小组以“World Food Crisis”为题进行研究,现在请你代表你们小组向全体同学简要介绍你们的研究成果。主要内容如下: 造成的原因:

1. 气候变化,造成粮食减产

2. 工业发展,城市化加速,耕地减少

3. 世界能源价格上涨,使用粮食生产生物燃料 应对的措施:

1. 注重环保,改善生态 2. 严格保护耕地

3. 富国支持穷国,促进世界和谐 你如何做出自己的贡献

Hello, everyone, Now I’ll tell you something about our research project The World Food Crisis on behalf of our group. As you know, food shortages have hit many countries in the world and even caused social unrest in some areas.

As is to known to us all,the world‟s climate is getting hotter and hotter,which is caused food production not more than the same as before. With the development of industry,the acceleration of urbanization, cultivated land of the world keep decreasing. And it is also a improtant reason that the price of world‟s energy continue to rise,led to the use of biofuels.

So, how can we solve the food crisis? From nation angle, the government should protect the environment, improving the ecological environment. Be strict with protecting cultivated land. And from international angle,the rich courties should supprot the poor countries to promote world harmony.

And what should we do as s student? I think we should not waste food and set up a save the grain of consciousness in our mind. Persuading our parents and our friends to live thriftily. And we should study hard to develop the science and help solve the food shortage in the future.



Dear Linda,

I know it’s hard to start a new life in a strange city. However, just staying at home doing nothing but surf the Internet is not good for you. You’d better go out and join in some social activities. By doing this, you can get to know more people around. And it would be a good idea to help others if possible and show them you are open and friendly as well.

With time going on, people will know you better and like to make friends with you.

Best wishes!

Yours, Li Hua


文明的举止在国际交往中非常重要,因此提高国民修养势在必行。近日,你班就本话题进行了热烈讨论,请据以下要点给某英文报写一篇120字左右的短文,表明个人观点。 1. 提高国民素质的必要性;

2. 列举你所观察到的一些不文明行为(两种以上); 3. 就此做出评论,并提出建议。

参考词汇:behave v 举止、行为、表现 spit vi 吐痰

China is now more and more involved in international events, so it is necessary for us to improve the qualities of the citizens as manners play an important role in international communication.

Sometimes some people don‟t behave properly in our daily lives. For example, spitting in public places can be seen somewhere. The flowers in public gardens are picked. What is worse, rubbish and plastic bags are thrown on the ground in the street.

In my opinion, these bad behaviors will make bad impressions upon visitors to China, which will ruin the good reputation of China as a large country with a long history. So all people should be taught to be well-behaved and every one of us should form good habits from now on.
