
发布时间:2017-03-23 19:47




I believe in the "50-percent theory". Half the time things are better than normal; the other half, they are worse. I believe life is a pendulum swing. It takes time and experience to understand what normal is, and that gives me the perspective to deal with the surprises of the future.


Let's benchmark the parameters: Yes, I will die. I've dealt with the deaths of both parents, a best friend, a beloved boss and cherished pets. Some of these deaths have been violent, before my eyes, or slow and agonizing. Bad stuff, and it belongs at the bottom of the scale.


Then there are those high points: romance and marriage to the right person; having a child and doing those Dad things like coaching my son's baseball team, paddling around the creek in the boat while he's swimming with the dogs, discovering his compassion so deep it manifests even in his kindness to snails, his imagination so vivid he builds a spaceship from a scattered pile of Legos.


But there is a vast meadow of life in the middle, where the bad and thegood flip-flop acrobatically. This is what convinces me to believe in the 50-percent theory.


One spring I planted corn too early in a bottomland so flood-prone thatneighbors laughed. I felt chagrined at the wasted effort. Summer turned brutal-- the worst heat wave and drought in my lifetime. The air-conditioner died,the well went dry, the marriage ended, the job lost, the money gone. I wasliving lyrics from a country tune -- music I loathed. Only a surging Kansas City Royals team, bound for their first World Series, buoyed my spirits.


Looking back on that horrible summer, I soon understood that all succeeding good things merely offset the bad. Worse than normal wouldn't last long. I am owed and savor the halcyon times. They reinvigorate me for the next nasty surprise and offer assurance that I can thrive. The 50 percent theory even helps me see hope beyond my Royals' recent slump, a field of struggling rookies sown so that some year soon we can reap an October harvest.


Oh, yeah, the corn crop? For that one blistering summer, the ground moisture was just right, planting early allowed pollination before heat,withered the tops, and the lack of rain spared the standing corn from floods. That winter my crib overflowed with corn -- fat, healthy three-to-a-stalk ears filled with kernels from heel to tip -- while my neighbors' fields yielded only brown, empty husks.


Although plantings past may have fallen below the 50-percent expectation, and they probably will again in the future, I am still sustained by the crop that flourishes during the drought.




I hope our monitor is better.


I hope our monitor is all right now. 我希望班长已经一切正常。

Your family are quite well, I hope. 我希望你全家都好。


— Will it snow tomorrow? 明天会下雪吗?

— I hope not.我可不希望下雪。

We hope for an early spring. 我们希望春天早点儿来。


In this I hope for your help.这件事我希望能得到你的帮助。

Hope for the best and prepare for the worst. 希望得到最好结果,准备应付最坏的情况。

2006年夏天全国出现旱情,我们就可以说:After the dry weather everyone hopes for rain. 旱季之后人人都希望降雨。

I hope to hear from you soon.

Hope to do something 意为“希望做某件事”,例如:

当与朋友见面时她情绪不太好时你可以说:I hope to find you in better spirits when we meet again. 我希望再次见面时你情绪好些。

当你要出远门,家人问你什么时候能回家而你又不确定时可以说:I hope to be back tomorrow night. 我希望明晚回来。


I hope to have finished the work by now. 真希望现在工作已经结束了。

We can’t hope to win an easy victory. 我们不能指望轻易取胜。

—I hope very much to go to the exhibition. 我非常希望去参观展览会。

—So do I. 我也一样。

What is it you want me to do?

Want someone/something+to do的意思是“想要某人、某物做某事。如:

当你想和朋友一道去做什么事的时候,可以说 Don’t you want someone to go along with you? 难道你不想有人和你一道去?

当有不好的事情发生的时候,你要表示愤怒和希望,可以说I don’t want such a thing to happen again. 我不希望这种事再次发生。

也可以用来表示良好的愿望和祝福,如We wanted this meeting to be a successful one. 我们希望这次会议成功。

还可以用来提出自己的建议,如I want you to think it over before you make a decision. 我希望你做决定前仔细考虑一下。

I want you to see him without delay. 我希望你立即见他。

We don’t want you getting into trouble.

want 是最常用的表示自己想要做什么的词,Want someone doing something 意为“想要,希望,愿意某人(正在,不断)做某事”,如:I don’t want people playing the piano at all hours of the day and night! 我不希望人们日日夜夜都不停地弹钢琴。

当心情不好,不想听爸爸妈妈唠叨的时候你可以说:Who wants you thinking about me? 谁要你考虑我?

I wouldn’t want an old man like you interfering in my affairs. 我不愿意像你这样的老人干涉我的事务。

