
发布时间:2017-05-16 17:15


5年级英语小短文:我最喜爱的音乐 My Favorite Music

Before I go to sleep, I like to listen to soft music, it can help me relax and have a good dream. My mother tells me that before I was born, she listens the soft music all the time, so I must be affected by her. Soft music is my favorite music, it is classic and helps me to feel better when I am not in the mood.


5年级英语小短文:母鸡下蛋 The Hen Has Eggs

My grandma raises a hen, and she sometimes brings the fresh eggs to us. The eggs taste different from the one sold in the market, they taste delicious. So I decide to have a look at how the hen has the eggs. Every morning, I will go to the hen, and I will see the eggs under her body, it makes me feel like the magic.


5年级英语小短文:一个勇敢的孩子 A Brave Child

Jack is ten years old, though he is not doing well in study, he is a good child. He will never lie to his parents or make them angry. Some day, Jack makes a mistake, he forgets to notice his aunt the important information. His mother has told him many times. Jack is sad but he still tells his mother the truth. What a brave child.


5年级英语小短文:失踪的小狗 The Missing Dog

There is a lovely dog in Luke’s house. The family has raised it for two years. One day, when Luke walks his dog in the evening, the dog runs away and then misses. Luke is very panic, because he worries about the dog will be caught by the bad guys. Then the next morning, the dog goes home, what a surprise it is.


5年级英语小短文:一节有趣的课 An Interesting Class

Today, I have an very interesting English class. The teacher teaches us the new lesson, after explaining the new words, she asks us to make a performance of the five situations. All of us are so excited, we find the group and then rehearse for a while. When we play the roles, we enjoy the show, it is such funny class.


5年级英语小短文:参观教堂 Visit the Church

My grandma believes in Jesus, so she goes church every week. As I grow up, my grandma takes me to the church with her. The building is so special and a large statue in front of the house. The big cross is the obvious symbol. So many people gether in the church, they pray together. I feel the peace here.

