外研版高三英语Module 2练习试卷及答案

发布时间:2017-05-09 13:32

在学生们的复习英语过程中,学生要做好哪些测试卷的复习准备呢?让我们来看看这套试题卷能不能帮助到你!以下是由小编收集整理的外研版高三英语Module 2练习试卷,欢迎阅读!

外研版高三英语Module 2练习试卷


1. — I washed the shirt only once, but now it’s out of _______.

— Did you wash it according to the instructions?

A. order B. shape C. date D. reach

2. Guilin, a famous tourist attraction, is always thought to be a place _______ with green hills and clear waters.

A. concerned B. restricted C. compared D. associated

3. — Sorry, sir. I’m late.

— _______! The class is nearly over.

A. Give me a moment B. Look at the time

C. Don’t mention it D. You are right

4. The couple was stuck in a traffic jam for one hour on their way to the airport, thus _______ their flight.

A. missed B. to miss C. missing D. miss

5. College students are encouraged to take part-time jobs to _______ social experience needed for their future career.

A. require B. accumulate C. establish D. achieve

6. The river flooded several villages, but _______ all the villagers had been taken to safety earlier.

A. eventually B. generally C. hopefully D. fortunately

7. After I returned from abroad, my mother looked at me up and down _______ she hadn’t seen me before.

A. even if B. as if C. now that D. only if

8. He’s scored more goals than any other player in this World Cup. He is without _______ the best.

A. exception B. hesitation C. purpose D. doubt

9. All the tasks had been completed _______, so we decided to go to the seaside for our holidays.

A. at times B. behind time C. all the time D. ahead of time

10. Dorothy was busy all morning typing the report, only _______ once in a while to have a drink.

A. to stop B. stopping

C. to have stopped D. having stopped

11. If you see me as your friend, please don’t _______ to contact me if you need help.

A. bother B. long C. hesitate D. expect

12. It’s _______ a tiny kitchen _______ I don’t have to do much to keep it clean.

A. such; that B. such; as C. so; that D. so; as

13. It’s reported that there will be _______ 500 people to attend the meeting next week.

A. lately B. basically C. especially D. roughly

14. She sat there still, her whole attention _______ on the lecturer.

A. fixed B. to fix C. fixing D. was fixing

15. I caught _______ glimpse of the newspaper, from which I saw _______ report about the accident.

A. a; / B. the; a C. a; a D. /; the


The landlord’s mistake

When Thomas Jefferson was vice- president of the United States, there was not a railroad in all the world. The roads were muddy and 16 . So people did not 17 very much. If a man expected to go to another city, he often rode a 18 .

One day some men were sitting by the door of a 19 in Baltimore when they saw a horseman riding very 20 . He was dressed plainly, looking like a farmer.

“Do you have a room here for me?” he asked the landlord.

Now the landlord 21 himself on keeping a first-class hotel, and he 22 that his guests would not like the rough-looking traveler. So he answered, “No, sir. Every room is 23 .”

“Well, then,” answered the stranger, “I’ll see what they can do for me at the Planters’Tavern, round the 24 ,” and he rode away.

About an hour later, a well-dressed gentleman came into the hotel, saying, “I wish to 25 Mr. Jefferson.”

“There is not a Mr. Jefferson!” said the landlord.

“Oh,” the man was 26 , “but he must be. He said he intended to 27 at this hotel.”

“No. A moment ago, an old clodhopper (乡巴佬) came here but I’ve sent him round to the Planters’.”

“Did he 28 a gray horse?”

“Yes, and he was quite tall.”

“That was Mr. Jefferson, the vice-president,” said the gentleman.

“The vice-president?” 29 the landlord, “How foolish I was to 30 him away!” So he rushed to the Planters’to 31 Mr. Jefferson.

“Mr. Jefferson,” he said, “I’ve come to ask your 32 . You were so bespattered (溅污) with 33 that I thought you were some old farmer. If you come back to my hotel, you will have the best 34 in it. Won’t you come?”

“No,” answered Mr. Jefferson. “A farmer is as 35 as any other man; and where there’s no room for a farmer, there can be no room for me.”

16. A. straight B. wide C. rough D. short

17. A. practice B. work C. care D. travel

18. A. bike B. horse C. plane D. train

19. A. hotel B. station C. college D. hall

20. A. swiftly B. freely C. slowly D. happily

21. A. congratulated B. instructed C. sent D. prided

22. A. explained B. feared C. regretted D. admitted

23. A. safe B. full C. cheap D. tidy

24. A. corner B. yard C. farm D. city

25. A. receive B. invite C. see D. honor

26. A. bored B. depressed C. frightened D. surprised

27. A. knock B. glance C. stop D. recover

28. A. train B. ride C. follow D. buy

29. A. cried B. complained C. smiled D. replied

30. A. carry B. take C. turn D. put

31. A. see off B. call on C. pick up D. fetch back

32. A. pardon B. purpose C. situation D. condition

33. A. oil B. mud C. grass D. powder

34. A. position B. studio C. restaurant D. room

35. A. good B. famous C. rich D. powerful

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