
发布时间:2017-03-15 07:57



fine/drizzling rain

零星小雨 occasional drizzles

急雨 rapid rain

猛烈的雨 driving rain

大雨 heavy rain; downpour

倾盆大雨 heavy downpour


pouring/pelting rain

茫茫大雨 blinding rain

瓢泼大雨 soaking/drenching rain

滂沱大雨 streaming/torrential rain

torrents of rain deluge

带风的雨 windy rain

阵风的雨 gusty rain

旋转的飞雨 swirling rain

暴雨 stormy rain

暴风雨 rainstorm; rainspout;

tempest; cloudburst

雷雨 thunder rain

雷暴 thunderstorm

雷暴雨 thunderstorm rain

充沛的雨 abundant

plentiful rain

长时间的雨 long rain

绵不断的雨 constant/continuous/

incessant rain

零星雨 occasional rain

间歇雨 periodical/intermittent

recurrent rain

阵雨 shower

骤雨 passing heavy shower

一阵阵的雨 fitful rain

寒冷的雨 cold rain

嗖嗖的雨 chilling rain

要结冰的雨 freezing rain

冰雨 frozen rain;

刺骨的雨 sharp rain

使人清爽的雨 refreshina rain

及时雨 timely rain

时令的雨 seasonable rain

令人不快的雨 dismal rain

灰蒙蒙的雨 dim rain

酸雨 acid rain

不合时令的雨 unseasonable rain

晨雨 morning rain

暮雨 evening rain

彩虹 rainbow

人工降水 artificial precipitation

人工降雨artificial rainmaking

人工雨 man-made/

artificial rain ;artificial rainfall

季风雨 monsoon rain

季节雨 the rains

黄梅雨 intermittent drizzles in the rainy season in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River

雨季rainy season

雨带,多雨地带 rain belt

地形雨 orographic rain

雨夹雹sleet;rain mixed up with hail

霰/雨夹雪sleet;rain mixed up

with snow

露水 dew

大露水 heavy dew

露珠dew drop

降水/降水量 precipitation

大降水量heavy precipitation

年降水量yearly/annual precipitation


年降雨量yearly/annual rainfall


雨量计/雨量器rain gauge;


一阵雨a fall of rain

一阵大雨 a heavy fall of rain;

a gust of rain

一场阵雨a shower of rain

一场大阵雨a heavy shower of rain

一场大雨 a spatter of rain

一场滂沱大雨 a flood of rain

一场暴风雨a storm of rain

一场大暴风雨 a great storm of rain


下雨The rain falls/comes down.

It rains.

There is a rainfall.

掉雨点Raidrops fall.

It rains in small drops.

今天是下雨天It is rainy today.

It is a rainy day today.

天要下雨It is going to rain.

好像要下雨It looks like rain.

It seems to rain.

It is supposed to rain.

下毛毛雨The rain drizzles down.

It drizzles/sprinkles.

下阵雨It showers.

下大雨The rain falls heavily.

It rains hard/heavily.

雨很大The rain is very heavy.

The rain is terrible/horrible!


The rain pours violently down.

The rain comes down in sheets/torrents/buckets.

It is raining torrentially.

It is raining cats and dogs.

连续下雨The rain falls continuously.

It rains continuously.

断续下雨The rain falls intermittently.

It rains intermittently.

It rains on and off/off and on.
