
发布时间:2017-05-15 12:15



Lesson 5 What’ this?

一、 Teaching content

1. New words: pen, pencil, pencil case, marker, blackboard

2. What’s this? It’s a _____.

3. How many ____ do you have?

二、 Teaching aims

1. Understand the text

2. Remember the new words

3. Ask and answer about “ How many____?”

三、 Key points

1. What’s this?

2. How many___ ?

四、 Difficult points: The question “How many___?” And the answers

五、 Preparation

1 Prepare some pictures of school, classroom and library

2. Bring some real things such as pen, pencil, pencil case and marker

六、 Teaching aids: audiotape, some pictures, books, pens, pencils and markers

七、 Type of the lesson: Listening and speaking

八、 Teaching procedure

Step 1. Warming up. Greet the Ss and review the last lesson. Ask some pairs to act out the dialogue like this:

A: What’s this?

B: It’s a ____. (Using old words)

Step 2. Presentation

Use real objects or pictures to teach the new words. Write them on the blackboard. Play the tape for the Ss to follow.

Step 3. Practice.

Encourage the Ss to practice “What’s this?” “It’s a ___, (using new words). Then ask some pairs to act it out, using real things or pictures.

Step 4. Presentation

Hold up three pens and say “How many?” a few times. Make sure the Ss understand it. Introduce in this way: How many? →How many pencils? How many pencils do you have?

Step 5. Practice

Let the Ss work in pairs. Lead them to practice like this:

A: Do you have any ___?

B: Yes/No.

A: How many ___ do you have?

B: _____.

Play the tape for the Ss to follow. Ask some pairs to act it out.

Step 6. Summary

Review the new words and the drill. Sum up them briefly.

Step 7. Homework

1) Read the text and practice the dialogue.

Finish the activity book.

Lesson6: My friend

一、 Teaching content

1. Letters A—G

2. The ABC song

3. Introducing others: This is___. He/she is ____.

二、 Teaching aims

1. Understand the text

2. Master the letters: A B C D E F G

3. Sing the song

4. Master the drills

三、 Key point:

1. The letters A---G

2. This is____. She is ____.

四、 Difficult point: words of the song

五、 Preparation

1. Make 26 English letter cards

2. Bring some real objects such as a book, an eraser, a pen, a pencil, a pencil case, a marker etc.

3. Some pictures of fish, door, girl, boy, teacher

六. Teaching aids: audiotape, letter cards, pictures

七、 Type of the lesson: listening, speaking and singing

八、 Teaching procedure

Step 1. Warming up. Greet the Ss by saying “Good morning/afternoon. How are you today?” Encourage the Ss to reply

Step 2. Review the drill “What’ this? It’s a ____.” and “How many___?”

Step 3. Presentation

Tell the Ss that English words are made up of letters and that English alphabet has 26 letters. Each letter has two sizes. Generally speaking, every letter makes a sound. e.g. the letter B makes a [b] sound in the word book. Demonstrate A→using s picture of an apple. Then present the rest letters in the same way. Play the tape for the Ss o follow.

Step 4. Practice

1. Use the cards to practice the letters and words in this lesson. Write the letters on the Bb. The letters have arrows that show how, and in what sequences to make the strokes. On the Bb, show the Ss how to follow he arrows to write each letter. Then let the Ss practice writing them.

2. Work in pairs like this:

What’s this?

It’s A/B/an apple.

Ask some pairs to ct it out

Step 5. The “ABC song”

1. Go over the words of the song

2. Play the tape for the Ss to follow

Step 6. Presentation

1. Teach the meaning of the word friend and he/she

2 Point to a boy/ girl and say, “ This is ____ (name). He /she is my friend. Repeat it a few times. Explain the meaning if necessary.

Step 7. Practice

1. Play the tape for the Ss to follow

2. Work in pairs or groups. Practice the dialogue. Then ask some pairs or groups to act it out. Step 8. Summary

1. Sum up the letters and words by showing cards and pictures

2. Sum up the way of introducing someone

Step 9. Homework

1. Read the text

2. Practice writing the letters

3. Sing the song

4. Act out the dialogue.

Say “good-bye/see you later” when closing the class.














