
发布时间:2017-03-28 16:38



One day, an owl flew persistently towards the east till it was completely exhausted, so it stopped in a forest to take a rest. It happened that a turtledove was also resting there. Hearing the panting of the owl, it asked: "Where are you going in such a hurry?"

The owl said: "I am moving to the east."

The turtledove asked closely: "Why?"

The owl said: "The people in the west all say my cry is unpleasant and dislike me I cannot stay there any longer. I must move to a new place."

The turtledove said: "Can you solve your problem by changing a place? In my opinion, no matter where you move to, it won't help."

The owl felt rather angry at the words of the turtledove, but it still asked in surprise: "Can you forecast the future?"

The turtledove said: "This is very simple. If you don't change your cry, the people in the east will dislike you all the same."









The deer feared the leopard cat, the leopard cat feared the tiger, and the tiger the brown bear.

The brown bear resembled the fox but was bigger in size. It had long fur on its head, and could stand up like man. It had great strength and would devour man.

In the south of the State of Chu, there was a hunter good at ventriloquy. With a bamboo pipe he could imitate the cries of various kinds of wild animals.

Once, carrying his bow, arrows and firearms, he quietly went hunting in the mountain.

Up on the mountain, he first imitated the cries of the deer to lure the horde of deer to come over, so that he could shoot at them with the firearms. The leopard cat heard the cries of the deer and came running to devour the deer. The hunter was afraid of the leopard cat, so he hurriedly imitated the roar of the tiger to scare away the leopard cat. Hardly had the leopard cat been scared away when the tiger heard the roar and came. At this moment, the hunter was even more frightened, so he imitated the cries of the brown bear. As a result, the tiger was scared away like the leopard cat.

Then, when the brown bear heard the cries, it came to look for its companions. Seeing that it was a man, the brown bear at once struck him with its front paws, and tore him up with its teeth. In a short while, the hunter was torn to pieces and devoured by the brown bear.








The gorillas in the valleys in the south often lived together in groups of several tens. They were fond of drinking wine, and even fonder of imitating man's behavior.

People knew very well their habits and often put wine or distiller's grains on the roadside together with many straw sandals connected together with ropes.

The gorillas knew this was a trick to lure them into traps and cursed:"Humph! Do you think we don't know your tricks? We'll never be taken in!"

So they called one another, turned round and left.

But they had already smelled the aroma of the wine, and couldn't bear to part with it. Even after they left, they would turn their heads to look back. When they saw no one there, they would turn back; and after they turned back, they were afraid of being deceived, and left again. After much hesitation, they finally said to themselves: "Just for a taste of the wine. It won't matter as long as we don't get drunk."

Shortly afterwards, they agreed to come back to drink the wine. When they got drunk, they forgot everything. Every gorilla put on the straw sandals and imitated the way man walks.

As a result, they fell down one after another and were all caught alive by people.







