
发布时间:2016-11-01 16:15




There is a big bed


clock时钟plant植物 bottle瓶子 water bottle水瓶 bike自行车 photo相片 front 正面

in front of在„前面 between在„之前 above在„上面 beside在旁边behind在„后面 there表示存在或发生 lot大量 lots of大量flower花 move 搬家 dirty肮脏的 live居住

nature自然界 everywhere处处


1、 A:Is this your bed room? 这是你的卧室吗?

B: :Yes, it is.是的。

2、 What’s in the room ? 房间里有什么?

There is a table beside the bed.在床旁边有一个桌子。

3、There is a bed 、a table and a computer 有张床、一个桌子和一台计算机。

4、A: Where is the chair? 椅子在哪里?

B: It is near the desk. 在课桌旁边。

5、There is a clock in my room.我的房间有一个时钟。

6、There are books on the desk .课桌上有些书。

In a nature park


forest森林river河流lake湖泊mountain高山hill山丘tree树 bridge桥 building 建筑物village乡村house房子boating 船 go boating 划船rabbit兔子high高的grass 草

第2 / 5页


1 A: There is a big white bird in the sky.天空上有一只白色的鸟。

B: There are many fish in the river 河里有好多鱼。

3、 A: Is there a river in the park? 公园有条河流吗?

B: Yes, there is.(肯定回答) 是的,有。

No, there isn’t(否定回答)不,没有。

3、A: Are there any bridges in your village?你的村庄里有任何的桥吗?

B: Yes, there are 是的,有些。 No, there aren’t.不,没有。

4、 There are some trees near the road. 公路边有些树。





1、 以字母y结尾的名词变复数,①如果字母y的前面是元音(a, e , i, o, u),就在y后面直

接加s。如:boy—boys. ②如果字母y前面是辅音,则把y变为i, 再加es. 如:lady—ladies city—cities story--stories.

2、动词的第三人称单数:(他,她,或它,也可以是称呼类,如my mother, my friend等。当一个句子中的人物是第三人称单数,并且这个句子又是一般现在时态时,该句子中的动词要使用第三人称单数形式。) have—has like—likes do—does go—goes watch--watches


fun(形容词形式)―funny funny(名词形式)―fun know(同音词)―no he(宾格形式)---him 4 tall--short long--short young--old new--old strong--thin fat--thin kind--strict

5、 be like与do like: 在本单元中,What’s „like?的句型是主句型,这里的like是“像„一

样”的意思. What’s „like?是问某某人或者东西长得什么样子。

例如:What’s your math teacher like? 你的数学老师长得怎么样?

答语:He/She/It is short/tall.

What’s your room like? 你的房间怎么样?

答语:There is a big closet in my room.

注意:千万别和like的另一个意思“喜欢”相混了。而在do like的句子中,like的意思才是“喜欢”的意思。如:What do you like? 你喜欢什么?

5. 分清性别,看到man, boy, Mr. 想到的是男性,用he. 而看到woman, girl , lady, Miss, Mrs 想到的是女性,要用she.

6. Is she quiet? 由is引导的句子是一般疑问句,回答是yes, she is 或者no, she isn’t


1、 当询问别人喜欢哪些课程时,class应当用复数形式(classes),因为别人喜欢的课程可

能不止一门。What classes do you like? 你喜欢哪门课程?

2、表示星期几的七个单词,开头第一个字母都要大写。其简写形式为前三个字母加点。 例如Mon. Tue. Wed.等等 week 星期,周。(一周包括七天) weekend周末(包括周六和周日) A: How many days are there in a week? 一个星期有几天?

B: There are seven. 七天。

A: How many days are there in a weekend? 一个周末有几天?

B:There are2. 有2天。

在英语国家中,一个星期的第一天是星期天Sunday. The first day of a week is Sunday.

3、当介词in, on ,at 后面跟表示时间的词语时, 表示在某年或某月(当只有年和月的时候),

用in.如 in May在五月。In 1988,在1988年。 表示在某段时间,如在上午,下午,晚上也用in.如in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening.

表示在某日,在星期几时,用on。如on Monday, on Sunday .

表示在几点几分,在具体时间时,用at. 如at 6:30, at 9 o’clock.

4、近义词:often(经常) usually(常常,通常)

5、play with 和,在一起,with后面常用人称代词的宾格形式。 如:I can play ping-pong with you.我可以和你一起打乒乓球。Can you play with me?你能和我玩吗? 这里的likes是like的三单形式,在一般现在时的句子中,如果主语是第三人称单数,注意动词要变成三单形式。

7、Today is Sunday. I like Sundays. 在这个句子中,前一个星期日Sunday是特指“今天是星期一”,所以用单数形式,而后一个星期日Sundays是泛指所有的星期日,所以用复数形式。

8、A: What day is it today?今天星期几? B: It’s Monday.

A: What day is it tomorrow? 明天星期几? B: It’s Tuesday.


①What do you have on Wednesdays? 星期三你有什么课?We have Chinese ,English and music. ②What do you do on Saturdays? 星期六你会做些什么? I often read books and watch TV. ③What do you have for lunch on Wednesdays? 星期三中午你吃什么?We have rice and fish. 注意:这几句话末尾星期几要加s,因为是指所有的星期几。


1. Where are you going? I’m going to Zhuhai.

2. Where are they going? They’re going to the beach.

3. Where is he going? He is going to the hospital.

4. Where is she going? She is going to the bank.

5. What are you doing? I am writing.

6. What are they doing? They are singing.

7. What is he doing? He is dancing.

8. What is she doing? She is walking.

9. Is this your dictionary?

Yes, it is. / No, it is not.

10. Are these his diaries?

Yes, they are. / No, they are not.

11. Are those her calendars?

Yes, they are. / No, they are not.

12. What do you do? I am a student.

13. What do they do? They are doctors.

14. What does he do? He is a teacher.

15. What does she do? She is a doctor.

16. What does your mom do? She is a farmer.

17. What does your dad do? He is a factory worker.
