
发布时间:2017-04-08 16:42



CARL: I think we should do the floors before we work on the curtains and walls.

SUE: Why? It doesn‘t make sense.

If we do the floors first, and then paint the walls,

we will get paint all over our new floor.

CARL: Hmm. Maybe you‘re right. But I can‘t stand all this green carpet in here.

And besides, I know how to paint. I will just cover everything with drop cloth.

I won‘t get anything on the floor.

SUE: Are you sure?

CARL: Yes, I‘m sure. I‘ve done a lot of house painting in my life.

And my mother was very picky.

If I got even a tiny drop of paint on her furniture, she would get furious.

So I learned to be very careful.

SUE: Alright. Then maybe we can do the floor first.

These wood floors under this carpet are beautiful.

And me too--I can‘t wait to get all this old carpet out of here.

But how can we get it out? Do we have to hire someone?

CARL: Absolutely not. We can remove the carpet ourselves.

Carpet is held down with carpet nails. You just need to pull it hard and it comes up.

SUE: Great.

Then, after we remove the carpet, we need to restain all the wood floors. Right?

CARL: Yes. But we should hire someone for that.

That will probably be expensive. And it has to be done right.

SUE: And then, after the floors are done, we can start to move our furniture in.

CARL: Sure. If we can get an appointment with someone to do the floors,

we should probably be able to have the furniture in here after a week or so.

I can get all the carpet out this weekend.

SUE: So, after the floors are done, and after the furniture is in,

we need to redo the curtains and paint all the walls and ceilings.

CARL: I‘m the painter.

You can be in charge of going to curtain shops to choose curtains.

That will probably be pretty expensive too. Having good curtains made isn‘t cheap.

SUE: You mean we can‘t just buy curtains already made?

CARL: Absolutely not.

The windows must be measured, and then the curtains need to be made professionally.

So that will take awhile. Maybe a month or so.

SUE: While the curtains are being made, I can start having people look at the kitchen.

I can‘t stand that old kitchen. I won‘t be able to cook in there.

I don‘t want to use that electric stove.

CARL: We will need to find an interior decorating company do redo the kitchen.

I believe in Portland there are shops that specialize in kitchen renovation.

I will look in the Yellow Pages. I‘d like a kitchen mostly in ivory and light green.

SUE: I agree. The colors must be soft and pleasant.

You should feel comfortable when you cook our dinners.

CARL: Me? Cook our dinners? Hah! You will be cooking, dear. You will cook.

SUE: No, I don‘t think so. I‘ll be too busy having tea in our new tea room.

CARL: Well, I suppose we‘ll have to hire a cook then.

So you won‘t be able to afford any clothes next year.

SUE: And you‘ll have to sell your motorcycle. And your cameras. Right?

CARL: Maybe I‘ll cook once or twice a week. How is that?

SUE: Four times might be enough. Not once or twice.


A: What can I do for you,sir? 我能为您做点什么,先生?

B: I'd like to buy a shirt for my son. 我想给我的儿子买件衬衣。

A: What size? 要多大的? B: 42. 四十二号。

A: Does he want any special color? 他想要什么特别的颜色吗?

B: Do you have red ones? 你们有红色的吗?

A: I'm afraid we've sold out the red ones. We've some white and yellow ones.


B: Can you show them to me? 你能给我看一下吗?

A: Yes, of course. 当然可以。


B:Sixty dollars. A: How much is it?



A:How much does it cost?这个值多少钱?

B:It costs one hundred Yuan.


A:What’s the price of this one?


B:It’s priced at only eighty Yuan.


A:How much does it come to?


B:It comes to two hundred and fourty dollars.


A: Can you come down a little?


B:That’s the best I can do.

