
发布时间:2017-03-10 12:07



Tips and Techniques for Golf Beginners

For those golfers who are just starting their hobby, beginner golf is definitely for you. With that being said, it does not mean that you cannot go to a golf course and practice there, because you can. Everyone is welcome to play golf anywhere. But probably, the best place for beginner golf would have to be the driving range.

A better venue for practice should be done in driving range would be because for one reason, it is so much cheaper rather than to go to a golf course, rent a golf cart, rent a trainer. It is so much more affordable to go to driving range; since you are just a newbie at golf, a driving range is enough. But if money is not an issue, then go ahead and drive through that golf course. For a beginner, golf driving range can definitely help you in your focus because the trainer will be right next to you and can guide you with each mistake. It would also be more convenient because usually, there are tee girls who would prepare the ball for you. Unlike in a golf course where you have to do it all on your own unless you hire caddies who would carry your golf clubs, give you the balls, and drive your golf cart.

An obvious warning is that golf is a very expensive sport, equipment alone costs a lot, and then you have the venue then the people who would be helping you. Of course after each golf experience of game, your golf clubs would be dirty, that is no surprise given the fact that it has everything to do with connecting to the ground or the soil. No matter what you do, your golf clubs will get dirty, and here are some materials that you will need for cleaning your golf clubs. Whether your golf clubs are new or not, you still have to clean them. As a newbie, you do not want anyone to know or see your golf clubs filled with dirt. You must discipline yourself even as a beginner because golf requires a lot of this attitude.

In cleaning your golf clubs, you do not need to purchase expensive cleaning materials. You can use the stuff that is found inside your home. A liquid detergent, a scrubbing material like toothbrush and of course an old towel to dry the clubs is the things that you actually need to clean them. Although there are golf club cleaning sets available, but these stuff will certainly give the same results without the need of spending much money. It is not a matter of what type of cleaning kits you use, but on how you maintain the cleanliness of the clubs after each golf game.

An important skill that you need to acquire in playing golf is to have a humble heart and be open to criticisms. You are not a professional yet, no matter how many books for golf you have read, you still have a long way to go, so be patient and humble. When your trainers correct you for doing a wrong swing, follow though, backswing or whatever, be open and accept it with full humility. After all, you won't be corrected for something if you are doing it right. Being humble is a must-have attitude for a beginner for golf is not only a sport but it teaches the right values and attitude as well.


Try Developing Your Own Golf Style

Some golf beginners think that all they have to do is copy Ernie Els, Tiger Woods or whoever their favorite golfer might be and bam, immediate golf success!

I am sorry to say, it is just not that easy. If it were then everybody would be a lot better. This, as we see every time out on the course is not so much the case.

In reality, no two people ever really swing the same way. Since each of us has a unique body build, some more unique than others, we need to develop our own individual set of muscles. A golf swing method used by one golfer who has a different build and has developed his or her set of golf muscles, is probably not of much value to you. Golf is an individual sport. So, find a method of playing that produces results for you, and then go with it. You will enjoy your time out on the links much more.

While it is often a waste of time to try and copy someone else, coaching by a pro can help you find your swing by getting suggestions and tips on how to improve. Just make sure you hire someone who will work with what feels comfortable for you and your natural swing.

If you hire a pro, make sure he is a superior player. You also want someone that is not going to just stand there and watch you swing. You want a pro that will actually show you how to get out of the sand and some less obvious shots you may come across in a round of golf. Make sure you are getting your money's worth!

When you're ready to play golf, and you're faced with a shot, just make your decision on how you're going to do things and stick with it. If you have a bad day of golf, don't be inclined to change what you are doing. If you start changing things every time you have a bad game you will never get any better. But don't be so hardheaded that you never try anything new either. We are looking for a middle ground. If after a few rounds something just isn't working for you, then you need to change it. Just that. Keep the good and toss out the bad. Something about a baby and bathwater comes to mind.

Certain techniques are fundamental to the game and you should try to follow them. But don't get too bogged down in these. It is almost impossible to make a good shot, when the whole time you are thinking of seven or eight things you need to be doing. When you are playing just play and when you are practicing then you can think about things like your grip, where your feet are, where the ball is, to keep your eye on the ball, to follow through, keep your head straight, etc. Hopefully the things practiced will just become natural for you when you get out on the course. This is the goal anyway.

Take your time and develop your own golf swing, one that works for you. When you're playing at the top of your game, give those trying to imitate you the advice above!

About the Author: Jason Griffin loves playing golf and trying to help other golfers get more enjoyment out of the game. He is the guide behind the Guide to Golf Equipment - Your Information Source for Equipment Used for Golf. Get a little help finding the right golf equipment for you at http://www.guidetogolfequipment.com


My Golf Disaster

Although I was never picked for sports teams as a kid, I always thought that golf would be far easier than all the others as it required very little physical exertion in regards to chasing a ball up and down a field for 90 minutes while opponents try to take the legs out from under you.

I mean, how difficult could it be? You stand still, look at the hole at the other end of the green, look at the ball and then hit it as hard as you can with a metal or wooden club. Even better, once you do, you don't have to run as fast as you can to the hole. Instead you take a taxi in the form of a golf cart. How sweet is that!

I had a rude awakening one day when a friend of mine managed to talk me into playing a few rounds down at one of the local courses. For starters there were no golf carts, so we had to walk around all 18 holes. That wouldn't have been so bad but for the fact there were no golf caddies on that day either so we had to carry the bags of clubs around too. Damn those things are heavy! Golf caddy's do not get paid enough.

To make matters worse, it began to rain half way through the game. So there I am, soaked, sore, tired and about to drive my tuft of grass another 100 yards, for that is all I seemed to be hitting all morning.

Someone must have super glued the golf ball to the tee because every time I looked down after swinging that freakin club, there it was, smiling up at me, wondering why I wasn't hitting it. On the few occasions that I did manage to hit it, it made a lovely plopping sound as it hit the water, sinking into the murky depths of the nearest water hazard, never to be seen again.

Or I spent the rest of my time doing a David Attenborough as I searched through the rough long grass (in vein I might add) looking for that elusive white golf ball. I actually managed to find many day glow and colored golf balls on my safari for my own but alas it was never found.

In all I lost 12 golf balls that day but managed to recover 9 multi colored ones that didn't belong to me. This leads me to believe I'm not alone in my inability to hit a golf ball straight. I didn't come across the dead bodies of any lost golfers looking for their own golf balls but I was fully expecting to.

Just when I was about to assign golf to a watery grave by hurling my 9 iron as far across the nearest water hazard as I could, two extremely attractive females came walking over the hill behind us. They too were searching for their lost golf balls. (I swear you couldn't make this stuff up if you were writing a film.)

We exchanged golfing disaster stories and after a bit of chatting decided to retire to the club house for the day to escape the rain and plan a new strategy of attack.

Thanks to my golfing disaster we now have dates for this Friday night and although I caught the cold, lost my balls and was thoroughly pissed off for most of the game. (I was losing a bet with my friend) I can't help but feel that meeting girls at a stadium of 90,000 screaming fans just would not have happened.

Although I'm still useless at golf, my opinion of the sport has changed completely. Not only for obvious reasons but I've come to learn there is a great deal of skill required to hit a ball straight with a bent club in a cross wind.

So the next time you laugh at the poor guy or girl who is hitting a golf club into the ground repeatedly, show them a little sympathy as they may be at the end of their teather. And the next time you see a pro sink a ball in 2 shots, stand in awe at the amount of time, patience and effort they must have put in to their game to become THAT good.

Jack Crow is a freelance writer and part time golfer. When he's not writing articles he's trying to improve his golf swing at his local course. To read golfing tips and secrets he has discovered visit: Golf
