
发布时间:2017-03-16 12:29

摘要:为了提升吸引力,72%的男性承认在首次约会时会编造事实,比如他们从事过的工作,谈过几次恋爱。 你知道怎么用英语表达吗?

More than seven in ten (72 per cent) admitted to bending the truth on a first date to appear more attractive, such as the job they did, and the number of previous girlfriends.

More than half said they had over-stated their career prospects in the belief that it would make them more attractive to the opposite sex.

Interestingly, just under two thirds of the men polled (64 per cent) said they felt it was fair to tell a few white lies.






文中的first date就是“首次约会”的意思,其中date作名词,意为“约会”,如:keep a date(赴约),在美国口语中,也可指“约会对象或舞伴”,如:He asked her to be his date for the school dance.(他请她在学校的舞会上做他的舞伴。)

第三段中的white lie解释为“善意的谎言”,类似的表达还有:black sheep(害群之马),green girl(新手,黄毛丫头),blue blood(名门望族)等。
