
发布时间:2017-06-05 17:16




1. 看电影、看戏剧;

2. 听说电影好、邀请看电影、电影没意思、电影看不懂、电影真不值;

3. 邀请去看电影,一般都不会接受,主要的理由是因为学习的问题,然后再表达一下惋惜的心情,通常会用虚拟语气;

4. 一方获奖了,另一方赞扬、敬佩。

Let’s go watch the movie tonight.

Would you like to go to the movie with us tonight?

How about seeing the new movie at the theater tonight?

It’s a waste of time/money.


1. 身体不舒适,需要看病;

2. 医生忙,要耐心;

3. 有病要尽早去治疗,否则要产生很多麻烦;

4. 吸烟对身体不好,要戒烟。


1. 搭乘飞机旅行,首先要预定机票,经常会遇到预定完毕(be booked up),因此只能推迟时间;有时因为无法到达机场,必须改机票(get ticket changed);

2. 经常因为天气原因(because of/due to the bad weather)或机械故障(mechanical problem)而导致航班延误,需要等待进一步消息或通知(further notice);

3. 步行是一种锻炼方式;骑自行车可以回避高峰,但车胎容易没气(flat tire);乘巴士方便,但中途容易出故障(break down);开车上班容易塞车(much traffic jam);坐火车可以看风景(sightsee),但火车上食物不好,因此经常选择自己带食物或提前吃;

4. 出现交通意外的原因一般是超速或者是躲避不及。



1. 两人经常会讨论这个东西好不好,是不是健康食品;

2. 两人经常会讨论去什么样的餐馆吃饭;

3. 出去吃饭,需要提前定位子;

4. 外出吃饭的原因主要是寻求安静或想尝试一下新口味;

5. 如果去一个比较豪华、精致的餐馆,可能还会谈到穿正式服装(formal dress);

6. 如果两个学生讨论是出去吃饭还是学习,最终选择的一般是学习。



1. 经常讨论区去什么地方购物,什么地方东西便宜,品种多;

2. 说话的第一个人想买的货品总是没有的,有时第二人从应答中会暗示第一人其他的解决方案;

3. 两人讨论买房子,最后结果是:现在买时机不太合适。


6.What’s the probable relationship between the two speakers?

[A] Receptionist and customer. [B] Waitress and customer.

[C] Salesperson and customer. [D] Nurse and patient.

7.What’s wrong with the man?

[A] He forgot his appointment with his manager.

[B] He lefe his keys at home.

[C] He is locked out of his office.

[D] He lost the manager’s keys.

8.How will the man get to San Francisco?

[A] By plane. [B] By bus. [C] By car. [D] By train.

9.Where is the man when the woman calls him?

[A] He is on his way to where they should meet.

[B] He is at home.

[C] He is in his office.

[D] He is at the main entrance.

10.What is the price of one watch?

[A] 10 dollars. [B] 5 dollars. [C] 9 dollars. [D] 18 dollars.


Question 6:

W:Solomon Departmert Store. May I help you?

M:Yes, could you tell me when the store closes today?

W: We close at 7:00.

M: I see. And when do you open?

W:Ten o’clock on the weekend.

M: Fine. Thank you very much.

Question 7:

W:What’s wrong?

M:I left my keys inside. We’re locked out.

W:Doesn’t the manager have an extra set?

M:Sure, but I don’t know if he’s at home.

Question 8:

W:You’re going to San Francisco tomorrow, aren’t you?

M:Yes, I thought I’d fly, but then I decided that taking a bus would be cheaper than driving or flying.

Question 9:

W:Hi, John. What happened to you? I’ve been waiting for twenty minutes.

M:Oh, I completey forgot about our meeting. I’m on my way. Please wait for me.

W:OK. I’ll wait for you at the main entrance.

Question 10:

M:How much is this electronic watch, please?

W:Five dollars each and nine dollars for two.

M: OK, I’ll take one.

答案:6.A 7.C 8.B 9.A 10.B



对话中对话者对他们谈论的人或事持什么观点或态度往往含而不露,考生只能根据对话内容的关键词、上下文甚至语气、语调的内涵意义并利用逻辑思维能力来进行判断,才能对传递的信息进行比较深层次的理解。具体表达观点、态度时,可能出现的模式有:间接表达式,不明说赞成或反对;反问否定式,常委婉地表示质疑和反对;委婉谢绝式,先表示肯定、赞成、谢意等,随后说出真实看法;看似否定实为肯定式,如why not, I can’t agree any more 等。


How does the man/woman feel about...?

What does the man/woman think of...?

What does the man/woman say about...?

What does the man/woman mean?




Where does the conversation probably take place?

Where is the woman going?

Where are the two speakers?

在这类考题中,选项大部分是表示地点场所的名词,同时需注意这些名词前的介词,如in a bank, in a dining-room, at the airport, at home, on the desk, on the floor等,这些介词对判断场所非常有帮助。另外,考生应集中注意力去捕捉那些“关键词”,抓住了“关键词”,做题就容易多了。以下是一些常考的地点及相关词,也就是刚才提及的“关键词”,需重点记忆:

学校(school):required course, elective course, quiz, professor, thesis, make-up, credits, master, dormitory, department, lecture, essay, bookshelf, application form, entrance.

旅馆(hotel):reception, book, reservation, tip, check in, single room, double room.

饭店(restaurant)、酒吧(bar):menu, bill, drink, dessert, soup, steak, beer, appetizer, barbecue, cheese, cream, roast, beer, drink, wine, cafeteria, dining, saloon, pub, snack, bar, recipe.

商店(department store):supermarket, dress, color, style, fashion, price, bargain, reasonable.

医疗(medical treatment):doctor, nurse, patient, surgery, operation, medicine, dose, pill, temperature, headache, sore throat, bad cold, fever, cough, stomachache, heart disease, cancer.

火车(railway)、汽车(motor)、飞机(airplane)等交通设施:platform, traffic jam, airport, arrival time, departure, ticket agent, take off, board, land, flight, airlines, freight, passport, visa.


1. What does the woman mean?

[A] She knows the guy who will give the lecture.

[B] She thinks the lecture might be informative.

[C] She wants to add something to her lecture.

[D] She’ll finish her report this weekend.

2. Who are the two speakers?

[A] Teacher and student.

[B] Husband and wife.

[C] Clerk and customer.

[D] Doctor and patient.

3. Where are the man and woman?

[A] They are in a temple.

[B] They are in a museum.

[C] They are on a mountain.

[D] They are on a tower.

4. What did the man mean?

[A] He never does assignments early.

[B] He has finished it.

[C] He’ll finish it in a few minutes.

[D] He’ll finish it in a few hours.

5. Why is the man calling the campus newspaper office?

[A] Because he wants to buy a walkman.

[B] Because he wants to contribute an article to the newspaper.

[C] Because he wants to advertise a sale.

[D] Because he wants to buy a newspaper.


Question 1:

M:Do you want to go to the lecture this weekend? I heard the guy who’s going to deliver the lecture spent a year living in the rain foresr.

W:Great! I’m doing a report on the rain forest. Maybe I can get some new information to add to it.

Question 2:

M:I’d like to buy a new coat for my wife.

W:The women’s suits are up on the 2nd floor.

Question 3:

M:Now, ladies and gentlemen, let me show you around this shrine first. Watch your steps, please. These stone stairs are wet and slippery.

W:Can I take pictures here?

Question 4:

W:Bill, where are you going?

M:I’m going to the tennis court.

W:Have you finished the composition our teacher assigned us yesterday?

M:Not yet. I always seem to put things off until the last minute.

Question 5:

W:Good morning, Campus Evening News. Can I help you?

M:Yes, I’d like to place an ad. I want my ad to say, “Walkman for sale. Panasonic 1989. Call 87310653 after 7:30 p.m.”

答案:1.B 2.C 3.A 4.A 5.C





1. 天气影响了交通,造成晚回家,错过了事情;

2. 下雨天气影响了工作计划;

3. 天气太冷或太热影响了正常工作;

4. 早出发,避免塞车;

5. 天气会变得越来越冷;

6. 天气变化快。


1. 家庭场景中,经常出现较多称谓,每个称谓所对应的内容不同,命题人经常用这种方法来混淆考生;

2. 经常涉及借东西场景,结果是及时归还了并表示感谢;

3. 家庭装修如果自己,可以省钱;找人干,要侃价;

4. 如果谈到家庭游戏,一定是学习娱乐两不误;

5. 如果谈到住房选择,离公司近和价格便宜两者无法兼得;

6. 经常讨论对方喜欢什么或者在节日赠送给别人什么样的礼品,前提是要节约,要有计划;

7. 邀请别人来吃饭,经常被婉拒,理由是要学习,要接待客人或其他。



1. 预定房间往往有以下要求:安静;单人间或双人间;楼层;房间内基本设施(是否有浴室等等);

2. 一般情况下,都是学生要租房,而不是学生有房出租给别人;

3. 几个地点往往在对话中同时出现,对考生进行混淆,解题的关键在于要注意问题和事情发展的先后顺序;

4. 想拍好的照片,需要有好的用光(light)和胶卷(film);

5. 上班时的穿着叫正装(formal suit),休闲运动的服饰叫休闲装(casual jeans)。



His lectures are excellent/fascinating.

He really has a sence of humor.

His lectures are boring.

I can hardly keep from falling asleep.

I have my eyes on the watch the whole time.

I didn’t catch...

I couldn’t follow...


1. How much will the woman pay for the museum?

[A] $6.00. [B] $10.50. [C] $15.00. [D] $9.50.

2. What is the man asking the woman to do?

[A] He wants to have a talk with her.

[B] He asks her to see the director.

[C] He asks her to see what she can do for him.

[D] He asks her to make a schedule for his meeting with the director.

3. How many guests did they have last night?

[A] 75 guests. [B] 50 guests. [C] 30 guests. [D] 25 guests.

4. When dose the conversation take place?

[A] On Friday. [B] On Thursday. [C] On Tuesday. [D] On Monday.

5. What will the woman probably do?

[A] Look at something for the man.

[B] Stop talking so much.

[C] Play the music more quietly.

[D] Pay more attention to the music


Question 1:

M:Tickets for the art museum are three dollars for adults and the children’s tickets are half price.

W:I see.I’d like two adult’s and three children’s tickets, please.

Question 2:

M:I’d like to have a talk with the director sometime this week. Could you arrange it for me?

W:He is rather busy these days,but I’ll see what I can do.

Question 3:

W:You held a party last night. How many people were invited?

M:We invited 75 people for my parents’50th wedding anniversary, but only a third of them came last night.

Question 4:

M:Good morning, Professor Wang. I’ve come to discuss my thesis.

W:I’m sorry. You should see me on Wednesday. That is the day after tomorrow.

Question 5:

M:Look! I’m sorry to bother you about this, but could you turn that music down?

W:Sorry, I didn’t realize you could hear it.

答案:1.B 2.D 3.D 4.D 5.C
