
发布时间:2017-03-22 13:47




1. fall asleep 入睡

2. give… away 赠送;分发

3. rather than 宁愿…而不是,胜于

4. would do…rather than do宁愿…不愿做

5. hear of… 听说

6. make friends with 和……交友

7. photo album 像册

8. too personal 太私人化

9. not interestingspecial creative enough


10. make a special meal 做一顿特别的饭

11. an 8-year-old child 一个六岁的孩子

12. these days=recently 最近

13. not…at all 根本不

14. different kinds of 不同种类

15. make her happy 使她高兴

16. someone else 别人(else总是后置)

17. improve English 提高英语

18. in different ways 以不同的方式

19. encourage sb to do鼓励某人做

20. make(great) progress 取得进步

21. take an interest in/be interested in 对……感兴趣

22. on my twelfthtwentieth birthday

在我12/20 岁的生日

23. a goldfish—two goldfish一/两条金鱼

24. a pig namedcalled Connie一个叫Connie的猪

25. from across China

26. enter a test by singing popular English songs

27. come from all age groups

28. the winner of the women’s competition

29. win the prize

30. try to speak English more

31. a spokesperson from the Olympic Committee

32. hear of

33. many other fun ways to learn English

34. make friends with a native speaker of English

35. find a good way to learn to learn English


1.It was really good, so I could n’t put it down.它(指书)真的很好,所以我不能放下它。

2.The book report is due in two weeks.读书报告定于两周后。

3.When I first arrived on this island, I had nothing.当我最初登上岛屿的时候,我一无所有。

4.I’ve brought back many things I can use.我已取回我可以用的许多东西。

5.Although I have lost everything, I have not lost my life.


6.So I will not give up and I will wait for another ship.因此,我不会放弃,我将等待另外的船。

7.I go out with my gun almost every day to kill animals and birds for food.


8.Not long after that, I saw some cannibals trying to kill two men from a broken ship.


9.She came to realize how much she actually missed all of them.


10.Ever since then, she has been a fan of American country music.


11.However, country music brings us back to the “good old days” when people were kind to each other and trusted on another.


12.It reminds us that the best things in life are free— laughter, friends, family, and the beauty of nature and the countryside.


13.Sarah hasn’t been to Nashville yet, but it is her dream to go there one day.


14.I hope to see him sing live one day.我希望有一天看他现场唱歌。






