
发布时间:2017-03-16 10:43


The Shanghai Food and Drug Administration last night ordered a food processing plant in Jiading District – a supplier to fast food giants like McDonald's and KFC – to suspend production following allegations it used out-of-date and substandard meat.

Officials from the agency raided the Husi Food factory about 9 pm, shortly after the broadcast of a Shanghai Television evening newscast.


In the program, an undercover reporter posing as a worker at Husi used a hidden camera to film his "colleagues" mixing expired meat with fresh cuts and lying to inspectors from McDonald's.





文中的out-of-date就是“过期”的意思。对于食品来说,保鲜期(shelf life)不同于保质期(expiration date)。shelf life一般会用best by或best before(此日前食用最佳)标出,超过shelf life的食品即为out-of-date food,不能再销售。

但是,shelf life只是表示食品在该日期后新鲜度及质量开始变差,expiration date则表示食品可能已经变质,不能再食用。
