
发布时间:2016-11-14 12:16


梨 [lí]


<名>[植] pear ; a surname


1. Sweeten dishes sparingly with honey, or con-centrated apple or pear juice.


2. Poach the pears in apple juice for perhaps ten minutes at most.




3. The ham is delicious with avocado.


4. The artificial sweetener sorbitol has a laxative effect.


5. Peel the pears and remove the cores.


6. Stew the pears in red wine for a couple of hours.


7. The pear is a delicious fruit and I like it very much.


8. These radishes of mine taste as good as pears.


9. The place abounds with fruit, especially pears and peaches.

此地盛产水果, 尤以梨桃著称.

10. I like pears better than apricots.


1. Sweeten dishes sparingly with honey, or con-centrated apple or pear juice. 加一点蜂蜜或浓缩苹果汁或梨汁,让菜带点甜味。

2. Poach the pears in apple juice for perhaps ten minutes at most. 把梨放入苹果汁中,最多煮10分钟左右。

3. The ham is delicious with avocado. 火腿鳄梨非常好吃。

4. The artificial sweetener sorbitol has a laxative effect. 人工甜味剂山梨糖醇有通便作用。

5. Peel the pears and remove the cores. 将梨削皮去核。

6. Stew the pears in red wine for a couple of hours. 将梨在红葡萄酒中炖上几小时.

7. The pear is a delicious fruit and I like it very much. 梨是好吃的水果,我喜欢它.

8. These radishes of mine taste as good as pears. 我这萝卜赛梨.

9. The place abounds with fruit, especially pears and peaches. 此地盛产水果, 尤以梨桃著称.

10. I like pears better than apricots. 我喜欢梨甚于喜欢杏.

11. Sprinkle the avocado slices with lemon juice. 将柠檬汁洒在鳄梨片上.

12. The avocado is a valuable food. 鳄梨是有价值的一种食物.

13. His cheek is stuffed with pear. 他的腮帮子里塞满梨.

14. We carried the pears with a boat. 我们用小船运那些梨.

15. He shook some pears down from the tree. 他从树上摇落了几个梨.

16. He ate a piece of pear. 他吃了一片梨.

17. She pulled a pear from the pear. 她从树上摘下一只梨.

18. These pears are sweet and crisp. 这种梨又甜又脆.

19. Scoop out the rotten part of the pear. 把梨烂的地方剜掉.

20. I'd like two kilograms of pears , please. 给我称两公斤梨.
