
发布时间:2017-03-17 10:03

汉语解释:樱花(学名:Cerasus ssp.):是蔷薇科樱属几种植物的统称,在《中国植物志》新修订的名称中专指“东京樱花”,亦称“日本樱花”。樱花品种相当繁多,数目超过三百种以上,全世界共有野生樱花约150种,中国有50多种。全世界约40种樱花类植物野生种祖先中,原产于中国的有33种。其他的则是通过园艺杂交所衍生得到的品种。想知道樱花的英文怎么说吗?

樱花[yīng huā]


sakura ; oriental cherry ; cherry blossom

网 络sakura;Cherry Blossom;cherry blossoms;Prunus serrulata



I like oriental cherry.


Shake the mobile to listen to the wind as it stirs the sakura cherry branches.


The wind nipped the cherry blossoms.


They all went to enjoy the cherry blossoms.




The cherry trees bend over and are shedding.


The cherry trees are in blossom.


Their branches are heavy with delicate pink and white blossoms in the spring.

1. The cherry blossom came out early in Washington this year. 今年华盛顿的樱花开得很早。

2. It's lovely in the spring when the cherry blossom is out. 春天樱花开放,十分美丽.

3. The cherry trees cast all their blossoms after the storm. 风暴过后,樱花全部落掉.

4. They all went to enjoy the cherry blossoms. 他们都去观赏樱花了.

5. The oriental cherry is in full blossom. 樱花盛开.

6. The valley is carpeted with cherry blossoms. 山谷一片樱花.

7. The cherry blossoms burst forth in all their beauty. 美丽的樱花突然开放了.

8. The wind blasted the cherry blossom. 风使樱花枯萎.

9. When cherry trees blossom, people have parties. 樱花开放的时节, 人们都出去郊游赏花.

10. The cherry blossoms will bIoom and l must see that before we leave. 樱花就会开放在我离开之前要看到樱花开放.

11. There are more than 300 kinds of oriental cherry in all. 樱花一共有三百多种.

12. Beijing Yinghua ( Oriental cherry ) hotel is an international standard 2 starhotel. 北京市 樱花 宾馆是一家具备国际标准的二星级宾馆.

13. We went to the park to see Japanese cherry blossoms. 我们到公园去看日本樱花.

14. Did you go anywhere to see the cherry blossoms? 您去看樱花了 吗 ?

15. Yoshino cherry blossoms first bloom pink, then fade to a soft white. 吉野樱花盛开首先是粉红色, 然后变成柔和白色.

16. Feb. 28 . Plum are blossoming along the street and in the hills. 2月 28日 路边的杜鹃花盛开,听说山里的樱花也开了.

17. Beijing Yinghua hotel is an international standard 3 stars hotel. 北京市樱花宾馆是一家具备国际标准的三星级宾馆.

18. There is a very appropriate analogy with the cherry samurai sword. 有一个比喻很贴切樱花与武士刀.

19. Most cherry tree varieties blossom for only a few days each spring. 大多数品种的樱花只在每年春天开上几天.

20. We got to Japan in time for the cherry blossoms. 我们到达日本,正好赶上樱花开放.
