
发布时间:2017-06-17 09:40




In order to avoid calamities, at first the kingfisher always selects a high place to build its nest.


But when the young birds are hatched, it will move to a place a little lower to build its nest.


This is because the kingfisher is particularly fond of its offspring xiaogushi8.com and is afraid they hight fall down from a high place.


When the young birds grow beautiful feathers, the kingfisher will become even fonder of them and more protective,


so it will move its nest further downward, with the result that the young birds are easily taken away by people.


Once upon a time, there was a man named Naboth, who had a very nice vineyard. He inherited the vineyard from his father, he got a lot of money from it.

从前,有一个人,名叫诺巴斯。那里继承了葡葡园, 并且靠葡葡园净了很多钱。

One day the king passed by the vineyard, he found the yard was so beautiful that he wanted to have it. So he went to Naboth and asked, “Would you sell the whole vineyard to me? I can pay you some money.” “I’m very sorry. It is a heritage of my family, I can’t give it to you at any price,” said Naboth. The king told her the story. The queen said, “You forget you are the king! Let me teach you how get it. You xiaogushi8.com can make Naboth an office, then find an excuse and sentence him to death.” The king did what the queen said, Naboth died and the king got the vineyard.

一天,国王从葡萄园经过,他看见了这个非常標亮的葡萄园,很想得到它。于是,他去问同诺巴斯, “能把这个葡萄园全部卖给我吗?我可以给你钱。”“很遗憾。这个葡萄园是我的亲人传给我的遗产,无论多少钱,我都不能卖。”国王回去了,他很不高兴。王后同他, “出了什么事?”国王把这件事告诉了她。王后说,“你忘了你是国王!让我来教你怎么办。你可以诺巴斯一个官当,然后找一个借口判他死刑。”国王照着王后的话做了, 诺巴斯死了以后, 国王得到了葡萄园。

When God learned about this, he was very angry and said, “The king must be eaten by dogs, and the queen must be eaten by big birds. They are not good people, they take the things which are not theirs.” At last, people found the king and the queen were dead when they went out for a picenic.

后来,神知道了这件事,他非常生气地说, “国王必须被狗吃掉,王后必须被大鸟吃掉。因为他们不是好人,他们拿了本不属于自己的东西。”后来,英语小故事人们发现了国王和王后的尸体,他们是在郊游的时时候死去的。


In the Tang Dynasty, there was a Guanyin(Avalokitesvara) Temple on the Southern Mountain of Hengshan was stately and solemn, with incense smoke curling all around.


One day, the eminent Monk Huai Rang of the Chan sect strolled into the temple hall and saw Monk xiaogushi8.com Ma Zu sitting calm and upright on a rush cushion, with his palms put together and his eyes closed in deep meditation.


Knowing that Ma Zu aspired to become a Buddha, Huai Rang smiled to himself. He picked up a brick at random, squatted on his heels and began to grind it noisily. Ma Zu was vexed by the noise. He opened his eyes to find that it was his own master grinding a brick. He asked:” Master, what are you doing?”



Huai Rang replied:” I am grinding the brick to make a mirror. ”


Ma Zu laughed and said:” Can a brick be ground into a mirror,” replied Huai Rang, “then can you become a Buddha by sitting in deep meditation?”



Ma Zu was rather displeased, and said:” what do you mean?”


Huai Rang explained:” For example, an ox pulls a cart, but the cart doesn’t move. Now, you say, should you whip the ox or push the cart?”


Ma Zu hummed and hawed but couldn’t answer.


At this moment and hawed but couldn’t answer. At this moment, Huai Rang said to xiaogushi8.com him seriously:” You learn to sit in meditaion in order to become one, not at all on sitting.”


“As for a Buddha, he has no fixed appearance, so the mind cannot fix on any single object. If you try to learn Buddhism by sitting in meditation, that would amount to throttling a Buddha, if you obstinately dwell on external appearance, you will never comprehend the real Buddhist doctrine.”

