Samsung Electronics Co has recalled all Galaxy Note 7 smartphones equipped with batteries it has found to be fire-prone and halted their sales in 10 markets.
三星电子有限公司因发现盖乐世Note 7智能手机配备的电池易燃,已召回所有配有这种电池的该型号手机并在10个市场暂停销售。
Koh Dong-jin, head of the South Korean company's smartphone business, declined to comment on how many phones needed to be replaced, but said Samsung had sold 2.5m of the premium devices so far.
Speaking at a news conference, Koh expressed regret over the recall, which will affect markets including South Korea and the United States.
Models in China feature a different battery and are not being recalled by Samsung, the world's biggest smartphone vendor.
The recall comes just over two weeks after the company launched its latest premium phone, which features an outsized screen and high-resolution camera. It follows reports of the 988,900 won ($885) phone igniting while charging.
Samsung plans to replace not only phones with faulty batteries sold to consumers, but also retailer inventories and units in transit.
Nomura estimated that more than 1 million units have been sold to end consumers.
"I can't comment on exactly how much the cost will be, but it pains my heart that it will be such a big number," Koh said.
For months, Apple watchers have been puzzling over how the company would sell consumerson the idea that scrapping the iPhone’s headphone jack was a benefit, not a nuisance.
Many pundits predicted a backlash against removing a technology that, however old, remainedin faithful daily service to hundreds of millions of people.
Few, however, predicted quite the kind of negative reaction that Apple provoked duringWednesday’s iPhone 7 launch event, with critics taking to Twitter en masse.
然而,很少有人预测到苹果在周三iPhone 7发布会上引发的那种负面反应,批评者纷纷在Twitter上吐槽。
To prepare its pitch, Apple had plenty of experience to draw on with when making this type ofshift.
In 2008, when Steve Jobs pulled the MacBook Air out of a brown paper envelope, it lacked theCD drive that was standard on other PCs, allowing the new notebook to be much thinner thanits competitors.
2008年,当苹果创始人史蒂夫•乔布斯(Steve Jobs)从一个牛皮纸信封取出MacBook Air时,人们发现这款全新设计的笔记本电脑没有PC上都有的CD驱动器,这使它比竞争对手更薄。
Jobs predicted, accurately, that soon software and media would be delivered over theinternet, rather than on discs.
We don’t think most users are going to miss the optical drive, he said. The MacBook Air wasbuilt to be a wireless machine.
我们不认为大多数用户会怀念光驱,他说,MacBook Air的设计宗旨就是一款无线机器。
The iPhone, just a year old at that point, was also built to be wireless.
But the 3.5mm wired headphone socket has endured thanks to its simplicity, reliability anduniversal compatibility.
When Phil Schiller, Apple’s marketing chief, took tothe stage in San Francisco on Wednesday, heportrayed the port as a hangover from the 19th century that was standing in the way of 21stcentury progress.
当苹果的营销主管菲尔•席勒(Phil Schiller)周三走上旧金山的舞台时,他把这种接口说成是19世纪遗留下来的产物,阻挡着21世纪的进步。
Our smartphones are packed with technologies and we all want more, which meant removingsome components to make way for bigger batteries and faster processors, he said.
The reason to move on comes down to one word: courage — the courage to move on, dosomething new that betters all of us.
And our team has tremendous courage.
If Mr Schiller was trying to head off a backlash, his speech may have backfired.
Faced with what many decried as another example of Apple hubris, social networks lit up in amix of bewilderment, outrage and parody.
Removing a headphone jack doesn’t take courage.
But charging $159 for AirPods does, tweeted Dave Pell, an investor and iOS app developer,referring to the pricey new wireless headphones that Apple launched alongside the iPhone 7.
但对AirPods开出159美元的售价确实需要勇气,投资者和iOS应用开发者戴夫•佩尔(Dave Pell)在Twitter上发帖称。他指的是苹果与iPhone 7同时发布的昂贵的新款无线耳机。
Mike Monteiro, creative director at San Francisco studio Mule Design, posted advert-likeimages of historical figures such as Mahatma Gandhi, Rosa Parks and Anne Frank with AirPodsPhotoshopped into their ears, each bearing the caption Courage.
旧金山工作室骡子设计(Mule Design)的创意总监迈克•蒙蒂罗(Mike Monteiro)贴出历史人物——如圣雄甘地(Mahatma Gandhi)、罗莎•帕克斯(Rosa Parks)和安妮•弗兰克(Anne Frank)——的广告形象,用Photoshop把AirPods塞进他们的耳朵,每幅画面的说明文字都是勇气。
Behind the ridicule was the feeling that even if its headphones really do sound better thanothers’, Apple’s motivations were primarily commercial.
These moves represent Apple’s desire to bolster declining mobile device revenues bycapturing as much of its device owners’ expenditures in the burgeoning growing audioaccessories market as possible, says Paul Erickson, analyst at IHS Technology, a researchgroup.
这些举动反映出苹果渴望提振不断下降的移动设备营收,尽可能多地捕捉到其设备所有者在方兴未艾的音频配件市场的消费,研究机构IHS Technology分析师保罗•埃里克森(Paul Erickson)表示。
It should be noted that wireless models are the highest revenue-generating products within theheadphone market.
Geoff Blaber, an analyst at CCS Insight, predicts the move to wireless audio ultimately will beseen as a masterstroke, thanks to the benefits to both users and Apple’s own accessoriessales.
CCS Insight的分析师杰夫•布拉波(Geoff Blaber)预计,改用无线音频最终将被视为一个神来之笔,对用户、对苹果自己的配件销售都有好处。
Most customers’ immediate concerns will be salved by the inclusion of new earbuds that workwith the iPhone’s remaining Lightning port, as well as an adaptor for traditional headphones,he says.
Airbnb has announced a raft of policies to fight discrimination at the home-sharingplatform, after user complaints and academic studies found bias against non-white users.
The issue of discrimination is one that cuts to the quick at many Silicon Valley techcompanies, where most start-up founders and executives are white men.
Airbnb’s new policies include increasing the number of instant book rooms (which are lessprone to discrimination), establishing a team of engineers to fight bias, and asking all Airbnbusers to sign an anti-discrimination agreement.
The online room-letting service is also experimenting with reducing the prominence of profilephotos for guests, to reduce discrimination by hosts.
A report that Airbnb commissioned from Laura Murphy, a former official at the American CivilLiberties Union, found that part of the reason the company was slow to addressdiscrimination concerns was the company’s employees are not sufficiently diverse.
Airbnb委托美国公民自由联盟(American Civil Liberties Union)前官员劳拉•墨菲(Laura Murphy)所作的报告发现,该公司解决歧视问题进程缓慢的部分原因是该公司员工不够多元化。
In response, Airbnb has pledged to increase its ratio of minority employees, from 9.6 per centtoday to 11 per cent by the end of 2017, and to increase its procurement from minoritysuppliers.
The company is also working with community-based organisations to encourage moreminorities to act as Airbnb hosts.
Airbnb, which has shaken up the global hospitality industry, is one of Silicon Valley’s mostprominent private tech companies, but in recent months it has become a lightning rod fordiscussions about diversity in the industry.
Last December a Harvard University study found Airbnb travellers with black-sounding nameswere less likely to book a room, and this year several Airbnb users complained ofdiscrimination from hosts.
去年12月,哈佛大学(Harvard University)的一份研究显示,Airbnb上名字听起来像黑人的旅客不太可能租到房屋,今年一些Airbnb用户投诉受到了房东的歧视。
In her report, Ms Murphy said Airbnb’s own research had confirmed that minorities strugglemore than others to book a listing.
Since those complaints emerged Brian Chesky, chief executive, has been frank about Airbnb’sshortcomingsin dealing with discrimination.
自从接到投诉后,Airbnb首席执行官布赖恩•切斯基(Brian Chesky)对公司在处理歧视时的缺陷毫无隐瞒。
We have been slow to address these problems, and for this I am sorry, he said in an email sentto all Airbnb users yesterday. I take responsibility for any pain or frustration this has causedmembers of our community.
The company’s plans also include mandatory anti-bias training for all employees, as well as anOpen Doors policy that will provide special assistance for any guest who experiences -discrimination.