名词解释:延迟退休[1] 即延迟退休年龄,指国家结合国外有些国家在讨论或者已经决定要提高退休的年龄来综合考虑中国人口结构变化的情况、就业的情况而逐步提高退休年龄或延迟退休的制度。2013年6月,由于就业压力等多重原因,人社部已经搁置延迟退休的思路,仅仅从研究着手,进行学术探讨。到2013年11月,2013年11月12日中国共产党第十八届中央委员会第三次全体会议通过《中共中央关于全面深化改革若干重大问题的决定》指出:研究制定渐进式延迟退休年龄政策。 明确了顶层设计中,延迟退休政策渐进渐行。你知道怎么用英语表达吗?
"Related government departments are researching some proposals of delaying retirement age, but the policy change cannot be introduced hastily because it has too much influence and any change has to be fully discussed and demonstrated," the official said.
Meanwhile, the majority of netizens point out that the retirement age delay will leave young people less vacant positions, so there will be a larger number of unemployed young people. On the other hand, it cannot be applied to all jobs. People of 50 or more are unfit to do physical work, such as, sanitation workers, stevedores and transport workers.
文中的delaying retirement age就是“延迟退休”的意思,也可以用retirement age delay或者raise the retirement age来表达。反之“提前退休”,就可以说成是early retirement。参加社保的人都会有自己的individual retirement account(个人退休金账户),在退休后享受到相应的retirement benefits(退休金)。而我国即将进入rapidly aging society(快速老龄化社会),养老压力陡增,引发了人们的担忧。
第一段中的hastily是副词,意为“匆忙地”,含有“草率”之意,如:I query very much whether it is wise to act so hastily.(我真怀疑如此操之过急地行动是否明智。);而swiftly强调物体的运动速度快速,如:The police must be able to react swiftly in an emergency.(警方在面对紧急情况时必须能迅速作出反应。)