
发布时间:2017-03-17 16:21

比较级(Comparative Degree )就是将二者进行比较产生的词形,是由形容词原级转化而来的,一般是在原级后面加er,也有一些不规则的转化,比如good—better,bad—worse,有很多。相对二者的比较,还有三者及以上的比较,这时就产生了最高级。下面是小编为大家精心准备的:比较的特殊表达法初探相关论文。仅供大家参考!


众所周知,在英语中,比较的概念是通过形容词/副词的比较等级来表达的。 但英语中的一些其它词类或 结构亦可表达比较概念,从而不同程度地起到比较作用。本文拟就比较的若干特殊表达法作些初步探讨。


above,over,below,under,beneath,beyond,before,behind等可用来表达比较。 在表达比较概念时,这些介词的含义通常是其基本意义的引申,即表示"在等 级、标准、地位、价值、品质、能力等方面优于(超过)…或落后于(低于)…" 等。例如:

1.We love truth above everything else. 我们最爱真理。

2.She is rather behind the rest of her class in maths. 在数学方面, 她比班上的其他同学差些 。

3.lts quality is beyond that of others. 它的质量比其他的质量好。

4.This method has an advantage over that one. 这种方法比那种方法好。

5. Children under two years old cannot be received intothe kindergarten. 两岁以下的儿童不准进幼儿园。

6. He is beneath me in education. 他所受的教育不如我。

7. Work should come before pleasure. 工作应比娱乐重要。

8. He is next in rank below the mayor. 他的地位次于市长。

短语ahead of也可表示"优于"、"胜过"。如:

9. He is far ahead of his class in English. 他的英语远胜于班上的其他同学。

此外,介词to 和beside有时也表示比较:

10. He is quite strong to what he used to be . 与过去的情况相比,他现在算很强壮了。

11. His contribution to the socialist construction is littleto yours. 他对社会主义建设所作的贡献与你的相比,就显得微不足道了。


superior,inferior,senior,junior,prior,major,minor及形容词prefera ble 常与介词to连用,表示比较。例如:

12. He felt superior in mathematics to John. 他觉得自己的数学比约翰强。

13. This is inferior to that in quantity. 论质量这个比不上那个。

14. He is ten years senior to me . 他比我年长十岁。

15. A dark suit is preferable to a light one for evening wear.晚上穿深色西装比穿浅色西装好。

短语prefer... to ...有时也表示比较:

16. l prefer tea to coffee.(=l like tea better than coffee.)





2)表示强弱变化的动词。如:exceed(超过),increase,reduce,decline (衰弱),diminish(减少), abridge(删节),maximize(使…增加到最高限 度),minimize(使…减小到最低限度)等。


17. We are going to enlarge the garden to grow more vegetable.(=...to make the vegetable ga rden larger...) 我们准备将园子扩大以便多种蔬菜。

18. You can minimize the dangers of driving by taking care toobey all the rules of the road. (=...lessen the dangers to thesmallest degree ...) 小心遵守所有的 道路规则就能把开车的危险减 少到最低限度。

19. Demand exceeds supply.(=Demand is greater than supply.)供不应求。

20. The length of this boat equals the width of that boat. (=This boat is as long as that boat in wide.) 这条船的长度等于那条船的宽度。


21. He is tall for his age. (=He is taller than normal.) 对他那样的年纪来说,他是长得高的 。

22. lt is rather cold for April.(就四月份而言,这天气是冷了点。) 五、"too+形容词/副词(原级)"表示比较:

23. lt 's too long.(=lt's longer than it should be.) 太长了。

24. He speaks too quickly. (=He speaks more quickly than heshould.) 他说得太快了。


25. You are five minutes late.(late=too late) 你晚了五分钟。

26. His watch is ten minutes fast. 他的表快了十分钟。

七、副词enough, sufficiently和形容词same, equal(ly),equivalent等表示"as...as"如:

27. He is strong enough for the job.(=He is as strong as isnecessary for the job.) 他十分强 壮、能干这项工作。

28. lt is sufficiently clear.(=lt is as clear as is necessary.) 够清晰的了。

29. Tom and Jack are (of) the same age.(=Tom is as old as Jack.) 汤姆和杰克同岁。

30. They can run both equally fast.(相当于One runs as fastas the other.) 他们俩跑得同样快 。


1)...never+ ┌ so+形容词/副词+名词 └ such(a)+形容词+名词

31. l have never seen such a large apple behore.(相当于This is the largest apple l've ever seen.) 我从来没见过这么大的苹果。

2)否定词+like,like表示比较。意思是:没有…能比得上…","…也 不像…更能…"。

32.There is nothing like leather for shoes.(=Nothing is so good as leather for shoes.) 没有比皮革做鞋再好的了。

3)...the last+名词+不定式/定语从句。

33. That's the last thing l should expect him to do.(=lt seems most improbable that he will do it.)那是他最不可能做的事。

九、在科技英语中,常用下列手段来代替"as...as"或"比较级+than" 结构:

34. The grain output of last year in our province was 20%over that of 1990. 我们省去年的粮食产量比1990年增加20%。

35. The new machine can increase 3 times the payload asagainst 1988. 新机器的有效载荷比1988年增加了两倍。

36. The earth is 49 times the size of the moon. 地球是月球大小的 49倍。

37. His income is double what it was five years ago. 他的收入是五前的一倍。

38. This year the output of their factory will increase by four times compared with 1978.今年 他们厂的产量比1978年的增加四倍。

最后,需要指出的是,上述表达比较的手段虽然在意义上相当于形容词/副词的比较结构,但它们在表达 方式上是不同的。如介词表示比较时,比比较结 构更为灵活、简洁、精练,而动词等的比较含义则较含蓄、间 接,不及比较结构显露和强烈。这些差异规定了上述比较手段有其适用或不适用的范围,不能完全等同于比较结构。
