
发布时间:2017-06-16 12:04




1. 用作动词,表示主动给予或提供某物,其后可接双宾语,若双宾语易位,用介词to引出间接宾语。如:

Offer the guests some coffee.=Offer some coffee to the guests. 给客人们来点咖啡。



误:She offered driving me to the station.

误:She offered that she could drive me to the station.

正:She offered to drive me to the station.

2. 除表示主动提供外,还有一个常见用法是,表示在买卖中出价。比较以下句子:

He offered me the computer for 500 dollars. 他开价500 美元把那部电脑卖给我。

He offered me 500 dollars for the computer. 他出价500 美元向我买那部电脑。

3. 用作名词,表示主动给予或提供某物,其后通常接of短语或不定式。如:

Thank you for your offer of help [to help]. 谢谢你愿意提供帮助。

He promised to make an offer of support (food). 他答应愿给予支持(食物)。


He made me an offer of 300 dollars. 他向我开价300美元。

I’ve had an offer of $2,000 for the piano. 有人已出2,000美元买这部钢琴。



I’m afraid I must be off now. 恐怕现在我得走了。

Take off your hat in the house. 在室内请脱帽。

We are off for [to] Paris. 我们要动身去巴黎。

He fell off the ladder. 他从梯子上摔下来。

Is the radio on or off? 收音机是开着的还是关着的?

注意点2:用来指时间或距离有多远,与 away 同义,有时可换用。如:

The exam is only two weeks off [away]. 考试只两周了。

The school is about two miles off [away]. 学校离这里大约两英里。


I’ll have four days off. 我要休4天假。

I’ll take the afternoon off. 我今天下午休息。

Mr Smith is off duty today. 史密斯先生今天不上班。

He practised playing the piano in his off hours. 他在业余时间练习弹钢琴。


1. 用作代词,以下用法要注意:

(1) 可指可数名词,也可指不可数名词;用于“none of +名词”时,该名词前必须要用表特指的限定词(如the, my, these等)。如:

None of this milk can be used. 这牛奶一点儿也不能用。

None of the keys would open the door. 这些钥匙哪一把也开不开这个门。


正:Neither of my parents went there. 我父母都没去那儿。

误:None of my parents went there.

(2) 用作主语时,若指不可数名词,谓语动词用单数;若指可数名词,谓语可用单数(较正式),也可用复数(用于非正式文体,且更符合惯用法)。如:

None of this cheese is any good. 这奶酪一点儿也不好。

None of my friends is [are] interested. 我的朋友没有一个感兴趣。

(3) none of us之类的结构除用作主语或宾语外,有时还可用作同位语。如:

We none of us said anything. 我们谁也没说什么。

We none of us expected it. 我们谁也没预料到这一点。

3. 用于类似祈使句的结构中。如:

None of that! 不许那样!

None of your business! 不关你的事!

2. 用作副词,主要用来修饰以下结构:

(1) “the+比较级”,意为“并不因为……更……”。如:

He is none the happier for his wealth. 他并未因为他的财富而感到幸福。

He has faults, but I love him none the less. 他虽然有缺点,但我依然爱他。

(2) “too / so+形容词”,意为“不太”或“一点也不”。如:

He’s none so fond of her. 他并不十分喜欢她。

My coffee is none too hot. 我的咖啡不很热。

The price is none too high. 这价格一点不算太高。
