
发布时间:2017-03-02 14:29




Graduated, how to deal with the books?


Send to others who need it.


After graduation, you must have a lot of books need to be dealt. Selling it to garbage recollecting station? Or just throw it? There is another best way that is send it to others who need it. On the one hand, you can deal it easily, on the other hand, you did a meaningful thing if you send to someone who need it.


Donate to a library.


Recently, I donated 30 kg worth of old books that I hadn’t used for years. To be honest, getting rid of books is tricky. They are valuable items that we associate with knowledge and improving our lives. The fact is, however, they don’t contribute any value lying on your shelves. But if you donate them to library, they still contribute value.


You get more space and other people can read more interesting titles. It’s a win-win-win situation!




Replace a pile of books with an ebook reader. Firstly, I can carry the reader anywhere I go at any time. Secondly, I decluttered my shelves (later, I also removed them), so there’s no longer a big pile of books collecting dust and distracting me.

一堆书换一个电子书阅读器。首先,无论什么时候我可以携带阅器去任何地方。 其次,我整理货架(后,我也将其搬走),所以不再收集一大堆书籍和灰尘,分散我的注意力。

Last but not least, my digital library can become so huge that the equivalent of a traditional library would need at least one extra room. Using a reader, you can carry it in your pocket.



How to Paint a Room


Step 1: Decide on a shade. Click here for help find the perfect color.


Step 2: Bring multiple samples home (color will look much different than it does in the store!).


Step 3: Paint a stripe of each on one wall and see how they look at all different times of day before you decide for sure.

步骤3: 在一面墙上油漆每个的条纹,在你决定之前看看它们不同的时间里有什么。

Step 4: Tape around your floor and any molding, outlets or light switches, and remember to remove wall lamps.


Step 5: Cover furniture with a tarp or plastic.


Step 6: Open the windows.


Step 7: Paint! At least two coats. Tip: If you’re painting over an existing color, add a coat of primer first.



Breathing particulate-laden (aka smoggy) air may be hardening your arteries faster than normal, according to research published recently in PLOS Medicine. While everyones’ arteries harden gradually with age, a team of researchers led by epidemiologist Sara Adar of the University of Michigan School of Public Health discovered that higher concentrations of fine particulate air pollution were linked to a faster thickening of the inner two layers of the carotid artery.


Because the carotid artery feeds blood to the neck, head, and brain, a narrowing or blockage there can trigger strokes. And general atherosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries, is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease, heart attack, and heart failure.


Past research has demonstrated that the rates of stroke and heart attack are higher in polluted areas, but experts haven’t been able to pinpoint just how polluted air is raising peoples’ risk for heart attack or stroke. This time, Adar’s team, along with Joel Kaufman, professor of environmental and occupational health sciences and medicine at the University of Washington, was able to directly measure carotid artery thickness and link it to air pollution data.


The study involved 5,362 people between the ages of 45 and 84 living in six different cities that are part of the MESA AIR (Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis and Air Pollution) research project, led by Joel Kaufman. Each participant underwent two carotid artery ultrasounds three years apart. These measurements were then correlated with data on fine particulate air pollution.



While the artery walls of all participants increased by 14 micrometers per year, the arteries of those who were exposed to higher levels of fine particulate air pollution in their homes thickened faster than their neighbors in other parts of the city.


Interestingly, the researchers also found the reverse effect to be true: reducing fine particulate air pollution levels slowed down atherosclerosis progression. Carotid artery measurements are considered by experts to be an indicator for arterial plaque and hardening throughout the body.

