雅思考试作文范文 家庭类

发布时间:2017-03-17 12:41



Some people live in one community in theirentire lives, others move at least once; somequite often. Compare and contrast moving todifferent parts of the country versus living inone community in your entire life. Write about250 words.


Some people live in one community all their lives, while others move around almost asmuch as nomads. Both experiences have their advantages and disadvantages.

People who stay in one spot can develop lifelong friendships, and such friends may lend ahand if trouble comes. They know each other's life history, and they judge each other for thekind of person each is, not for the image each projects.

Yet spending a lifetime in one location can also lock a person into a limited way of life.Personal change may become very difficult. People with few experiences may develop a narrowoutlook and find it hard to understand those who have different ethnic, racial, or religiousbackgrounds.

On the other hand, moving to different parts of the country is usually stressful. A personmay feel lost and uprooted in a place where streets, stores, schools, and churches all aredifferent. At first there are no friends to help.

However, those who do move learn that people in other places have a variety of outlooks.There is a chance to appreciate different ways of life and even to choose the way one likesbest.

For a person who moves to a different place year after year, the disadvantages of movingprobably outweigh the advantages. But a few moves are probably worth the effort. By stayingin each place for a length of time, people can broaden their outlook but have enough time tomake adjustment and form. friendships.

雅思考试作文范文 家庭类



Three generations living together can have both financial and personal advantages. On theother hand, it can also have personal disadvantages.

In years past and today, three generations have probably lived together mostly out ofeconomic necessity or advantage. Sometimes a young family moves in with the oldergeneration because the husband and wife can't afford a place of their own. Sometimesgrandparents move in because they aren't well enough or can't afford to live alone anymore.Occasionally, grandparents come to take care of the children so both parents can work. In timespast, and sometimes today, three generations have lived together because they all dependedon the same farm or business.

Usually these arrangements do help solve financial and practical problems. Everyone has aroof over his or her head. Children and old people in need of care are likely to get it. Often afamily can get ahead financially by sharing the work and the bills. In addition, a strong sense offamily and of belonging can develop in everyone.

What may be harder to work out are questions of who's in charge. If grandparents don't letgo of some authority, the middle generation is likely to resent it. On the other hand, ailinggrandparents may force their children to be parents to them and to their own children as well. Ifparents and grandparents disagree on discipline, children may be confused or angry.

The personal disadvantages can be overcome. For three generations to live togethersuccessfully, everyone's needs must be respected.



Parenting may be as late as possible, but not later.Research shows that by the age of 30, a woman's chances of conceiving begin to dwindle.There are advantages to having children young, although these days life is rarely that simple.The argument is that, if people want children at all, it is better to start as early as possible forthe development of the family and the country.

Good or bad, late parenting is a new fashion. Despite cases related to unwanted teenagepregnancies, many people choose to become parents later in life. This social mainstream isparticularly obvious among people of the middle class in most developed countries. It is clearenough that many women are putting off babies for career and financial reasons. Besides, ifpeople are planning a one-child or two-child family, there is indeed no such a hurry to be "in thefamily way" like those old-fashioned women a couple of generations ago. No wonder that peopleprefer to wait until they think they are "ready" to become parents, no matter how late it mightbe or what could happen as a result.

Relatively, the consequences are more negative than positive, not just for the family but alsofor the country. Generally speaking, late parenthood would mean a surplus of old people andnot enough workers. This is likely to stymie the country's economy. In contrast, more teenagemothers would mean a population—economic—boom. Based on this presumption, womenshould finish having their families when they are younger (than 30) and then have more yearsof employment ahead of them. As expected, their children would also sooner come into thelabor force and add to the national economic growth.

In sum, there seem to be alarm bells on late parenting because this could benefit neither thedevelopment of the family nor the society in the economic context. While the decision tobecome parents later in life is personal, even realistic; the time for a woman to get pregnant iscertainly not "forever". In parenting, it is one thing that modern people do not desire havingone too many, but it is quite another to be too late to become parents for at least once.

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