
发布时间:2017-06-02 08:51




With their help I realized that I had been wrong.


He hasn’t finished yet.

He didn’t finish yesterday evening.

He hadn’t finished by yesterday evening.


①No sooner…than…. Hardly…when…

No sooner had he begun his speech than he was interrupted

②expect, hope, think, want, suppose等动词的过去完成时(或一般时)表示想做而未做的事

I had planned to send him a telegram, but I didn’t manage it.



After I finished, I went home.


I got out of the taxi, paid the fare(车费) and managed it.


When I arrived, Ann left.


When I arrived, Ann had left.



by the end of + 过去时间 ; by + 过去时间

by the time + 过去时间; 过去时间 + before


By the time he was 11, he had learned 3000 words .

By the time he is 11, he will have learned 3000 words.

By the time last week, I had learned 3000 words.

By the time next week, I will have learned 3000 words


1、用will, shall 表示

①决定:谈及正在作出的一项决定时,常用I’ll----I will,不能用be going to ,因为它表示事先就已经作出的决定

---The phone’s ringing. ---I’ll answer it.

---Come to a party. ---OK. I’ll bring my friend.

②威胁和允诺:第一人称用will (‘ll);第二人称用shall

I’ll hit you if you do that again.

He shall have a gift for Christmas.

③提议和请求:用Shall I …?/Shall we…?表示提议;

用Will you…?表示请求

Shall I carry your bag? Will you give me a hand?

④I will/ We will 表示有强烈意图、提议、坚持或自愿做某事; 不能用shall

I will stop smoking---I really will.

2、用 be going to 表示


We’re going to France next summer.


Look at those clouds---it’s going to rain.


I’m going to keep asking her out until she says yes.

3、用be about to do sth 表示最近的将来,“正要”,“马上就要”

I am about to leave when there is a knock at the door.

4、用be to do sth表示预定要做的事情

The French President is to visit Japan next week

5、be going to 与 will / shall 的对比


Do you think the car will start / is going to start?

②讲到条件时(即如果一事发生,另一事也就发生),用will / shall 对将来进行预测,不用be going to ,即使条件没有说出来

If I give you money you’ll only spend it on drink.

---Come out for a drink.

---No, my TV program.

A. I’m going to miss

B. I’ll miss





When I was a child we always went to the seaside in August.

2、used to :表示过去的习惯,现在不存在

I used to smoke, but I don’t any more.

3、用在it’s time, would rather, wish后面的从句中

It’s time you went home.

I wish I had a better memory.

I’d rather you came tomorrow.


I’m sorry we left Paris. It was such a nice place.

5、could, might, would, should等“过去”的情态动词可用来指现在或者将来

Could you help me for a moment ?

I think it might rain soon.

Would you come this way, please ?

Alice should be here soon.


①现在完成时所用的时间词: since, ever since, for…, recently, lately, so far, yet, all this year, all my life, ever, never, already, before, just, in / during the last /past + 时间段, etc.

②一般过去时所用的时间词yesterday, last week, in 1999, when, years ago, then, just now, etc.
