
发布时间:2017-03-02 09:49







[讲解] 句子成分是句子中起一定功用的组成部分。句子的主要成份由主语和谓语部分部分组成。句子的次要成分有宾语、定语、状语、表语、补语、同位语等。其中,补语与同位语在高中阶段较常见。 例如: (主语) (定语修饰主语) (系动词) (表语) (状语) (主语) (谓语) (宾语) (补语) (状语)

[练习] 在括号内写出以下句子划线部分的基本成份 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )


[讲解]主语是句子的主体,是谓语陈述或说明的对象。正常语序的句子的主语在谓语动词前面或系动词前面。充当主语的词性有名词、代词、数词等。这一点我们在初中阶段较为熟悉。例如: 主语由名词deer来充当) 主语由代词everything来充当) 主语由数词99来充当)

以下充当主语的情况在高中阶段较为常见。他们是:不定式、动名词等形式充当主语,动名词短语、不定式短语、介词短语充当主语以及充当主语从句充当主语。例如: 主语由不定式to say来充当) 主语由不定式短语to host a party来充当) ’s health.(主语由动名词swimming来充当) 主语由动名词短语Walking his pet dog every day来充当) 主语由what he said这一主语从句来充当)

[练习] 在以下句子的主语部分加下划线并在括号内写出充当主语的词性、形式、短语或句子。

You, he and I are all senior school students.( )

Nothing is more important than EQ.( )

To learn a foreign language calls for patiences.( )

Being honest will pay.( )

Where his mother will go is a secret.( )


[讲解] 谓语说明主语的的动作、行为、特征或状态,谓语动词说明主语所表示的人物“干什么”或“怎么样”。谓语动词有不及物动词、系动词和及物动词三大类。谓语动词必须反映出人称、单复数、时态等信息,除了一般现在时和一般过去时的主被动形式外,谓语动词往往由下列词语中的两个或两个以上依序排列构成:情态动词+时态助动词+语态助动词+主要动词。例如: 作谓语,系动词) (work作谓语,不及物动词)



[讲解]宾语表示行为的对象。宾语放在及物动词或者介词之后。充当宾语的词性有名词、代词、数词、不定式、动名词、不定式短语、动名词短语、宾语从句充当主语。例如: 名词作宾语) 代词作宾语) (数词作宾语) (不定式作宾语) (动名词作宾语) (不定式短语作宾语) (动名词短语作宾语) (宾语从句作宾语)

[练习] 根据汉语提示将以下句子的宾语译成英语。

1. I like my new ________(学校) and my __________(同学).

2. My bag is red while ______(你的) is brown.

3. Do you want ______ ______ ______ ______(休息一下)?

4.Let’s stop ______(工作) and go out for a change.

5. Can you understand ______ ______ ______(我所说的话) just now?



(1)名词作定语:A book cover, a coffee cup, a table leg, a mountain plant

(2)形容词(短语)作定语: an attractive sight, people alive,

(3)副词(短语)作定语: The students here work hard. The book over there is his.

(4)介词短语作定语: The pencil-bos on the desk is mine.

(5) 动名词、分词(短语)定语: He is a walking dictionary

(6)不定式(短语): Is there anything to eat?

(7)定语从句: The bookcase that was bought yesterday is cheap.

[练习] 将下列句中作定语的部分划线.

1.I need a book cover.

2.John is a handsome star.

3.The trees over there grow green.

4.The books in my schoolbag are readable.

5. The crowds waiting for Yang Liwei cheered up.

6. I’d like to introduce a book called A Woman in White to you.

第2 / 3页

7.The computer to be repaired is on the desk.

8. Do you know the date when he was born?




1、 ___ six years since I began to study English.

A. It is B. I have been C. There are D. It was

2 、___ in the room at that time.

A. Nobody was B. Someone were C. Who is D. He are

3 、IT'S very noisy outside. ___ is going on?

A. Who B. What C. Which D. Where

4、 ___ in English in class every day is important.

A. Speak B. Talking C. Saying D. To tell

5 、There must be____ near the factory.

A. a book store B. book store C. books store D. books stores

6 、Although it's raining hard, ___ are still working in the fields.

A. but they B. and they C. they D. since they


1、 The doctor as well as the nurses ___ great concern for the patients.

A. show B. shows C. have shown D. are showing

2、 Your son must be a clever boy, ___ he?

A. is B. isn't C. must D. mustn't

3、 The computer center, ___ last year, is very popular among students

in this school.

A. open B. opening C. opened D. being opened

4 、I ___ go to the shop today, for there is a lot of food at home.

A. mustn't B. had to C. can't D. needn't

5 、Don't ___ excited.

A. get B. is C. seem D. look

6 This room ___ every morning.

A. is cleaning B. is cleaned C. cleans D. cleaning
