
发布时间:2017-04-09 07:11



Todd: So, Shuan, where are you from?


Shuan: I'm actually, well, I was actually originally born in Hong Kong and I lived in Hong Kong for around six years and then I moved to Canada which is where I am from now.


Todd: Wow, so do you remember Hong Kong?


Shuan: I do. I loved Hong Kong. I still do love Hong Kong. It's always been the city that I was born in, and the city I grew up in.


Todd: What do you remember about Hong Kong?


Shuan: The massive buildings, the plethora of people.


Todd: Right, right.


Shuan: Yeah, and also the toy shops. They were some of the biggest I've ever seen.


Todd: Yeah, for a child. Did you actually learn some Chinese when you were there?


Shuan: I did. I used to be able to converse pretty much, basically converse with taxi drivers, shop keepers, people on the street if I ever got lost. I used to be able to actually ask them where, where to go, how long would it take me to get there, but I've seem to have lost all of that now.


Todd: It was a long time ago. What was it like moving from Canada, I mean from Hong Kong to Canada?


Shuan: It was a big change. I came out of Hong Kong with a really strong British accent, and I spoke just like everyone else I knew spoke in Hong Kong, but when I got to Canada I was made fun of because I said all the other words I pronounced differently to other kids, so it was a weird experience. I got laughed at a whole bunch but now you know, my accent has changed, shifted to a Canadian one. Although, I still have reminants of a British accent.


Todd: OK, actually, when you moved from Hong Kong to, was it, Vancouver?


Shuan: It's Victoria.


Todd: Oh, you lived in Victoria? What was that like going from a big city to Victoria?


Shuan: Ah, it was a depressing change I guess. We had a town house in Hong Kong, and it was just long term friends there, you know friends that I had for a long time ever since I was born and moving to Victoria, it was, it was a shock to me I guess and I needed to make new friends I needed, I needed to find a new place to hang out and since our home in Victoria was out in the country it was nowhere close to the town and there was not bus service at the time. Mind you I was a bit too young to ride the bus but it was just so out of the way that I spend most of my days at home playing with lego.


Todd: Rigth, right.



Todd: So Shuan, you mentioned your family, do you have a big family?


Shuan: No, I have a fairly small family, actually, I've only got, including me there's only four people in my family.


Todd: So it's your mother, your father, you...


Shuan: And my sister.


Todd: Oh, and your sister. OK, is your sister younger or older than you?


Shuan: She's younger. She just started university actually.


Todd: Ah, so you're the big brother.


Shuan: I am, yeah.


Todd: OK, that's nice. So where does your family live right now?


Shuan: Ah, my mother and my father live in Victoria in Canada and my sister is on the other side of Canada in Montreal in Quebec.


Todd: Well, tell me about your father. What's your father like?


Shuan: My father is pretty much the most interesting person I think I know. He all different kinds of stories about his childhood, and his growing up.


Todd: Did you grow up in Canada?


Shuan: No, he grew up in Liverpool, in England.


Todd: OK, nice, and what does your father do?


Shuan: Ah, he was a pilot until five years ago, five years ago, it was kind of tragic, but he had a heart attack and he wasn't allowed to fly anymore.


Todd: Oh, I'm sorry.


Shuan: It's fine. He makes, he's pretty much happier now I guess.


Todd: OK, so he was OK after the heart attack.


Shuan: He's fine, yeah.


Todd: OK, what about your mother? Does she work?


Shuan: My mother, no, she doesn't. She used to work. In fact my mother and my father met at work. They both worked for Cathay Pacific, which is an airline based in Hong Kong. My mother was a stewardess and my father was a pilot, so they met that way in Osaka actually.


Todd: Oh, what a story. OK and what about your sister? You said that she's a student.


Shuan: She's a student. She's actually in her first year in McGill. she's actually in her first year in McGill unversity which is in Quebec. I haven't spoken to her lately so I don't know how she's doing.


Todd: OK, do you know what she studies?


Shuan: I believe it's arts and humanities.


Todd: So you and your sister, are you similar or quite different?


Shuan: Oh, we are definely quite different.


Todd: How so?


Shuan: I was the rebelious type. I pretty much laid the foundation for my sister to get all the freedoms that she has, and she doesn't appreciate any of the things I've done so,.. another way that we're different is that she's really into arts and drawing and painting and making music where as I'm more into the technical side of things, like I'm into computer making, fixing cars.


Todd: So it sounds like your quite different. Well, maybe she'll listen to this and she'll appreciate you more.


Shuan: I hope so.



Todd: So Shuan, you're a student at the university, and you will be graduating soon. What are your future plans? What kind of jon do you want?


Shuan: Right now actually, I'm trying to get into Japan Airlines and an international pilot.


Todd: Oh, you want to be a pilot.


Shuan: Yeah, actually, I've already got a private pilot's license and, well...


Todd: You can fly a plane?


Shuan: I can but only a single engine plane.


Todd: Still, that's pretty cool.


Shuan: It was pretty fun, yeah.


Todd: So, why do you like flying? What's the cool thing about flying?


Shuan: Well, basically my father was a pilot and I just got interested in that through him. I've always like planes and machines and I thought maybe the best job for me would be to become a pilot.


Todd: Oh, that's cool. That's really cool. So how do you become a pilot? Like what do you have to do? What's the process?

托德:真酷。这太酷了。你要如何成为飞行员?你都要做什么准备?流程是怎样的? S

huan: There's diffent ways of becoming a pilot. First, you can pay for it by yourself. You have to attend school. You have to take tests and eventually you gain your commercial license and then you can apply to an airline company that way. Another way is for you to go directly into an airline company from out of high school, or out of university, and they will train you and it's all paid for. They actually will give you a salary for the time that they are training you so you are actually going to make money in the time except that the airline will make you work harder.


Todd: Right, right. Still, that's a pretty good gig though.


Shuan: It is a really good deal, yeah, and the third way is to get a private pilot's license first so you already know the basics of how to fly and then try to get, try to get in a company and then they'll train you the rest of the way and usually you get a higher salary that way, so.


Todd: So what way are you doing it? How are you trying to get into Japan Airlines?


Shuan: Well, since I've already got my private pilot's license I'm going to try and get in pretty much half way through it, so I won't need as much training. I'll probably get a better salary and hopefully, hopefully I'll actually be able to fly for JAL.


Todd: Well, good luck. I hope it works out.


Shuan: I do too.

