名词解释:啃老族,又称“吃老族”或“傍老族”,或者尼特族,尼特族是NEET在台湾的译音,NEET的全称是(Not currently engaged in Employment, Education or Training),最早使用于英国,之后渐渐的使用在其他国家;它是指一些不升学、不就业、不进修或参加就业辅导,终日无所事事的族群。在英国,尼特族指的是16~18岁年轻族群;在日本,则指的是15~34岁年轻族群。你知道怎么用英语表达吗?
China's Shandong province has drawn up a new law that would protect ageing parents from grasping, lazy "boomerang children" and their demands for cash.
The law, which was drafted last week, would enshrine a parent's right to turn down a request for economic support from any offspring who had reached adulthood but continued to whinge for cash.
The draft regulation also states that family members should care more about the elderly's needs and should not neglect elderly parents.

文中的boomerang children就是“啃老族”的意思,其中,boomerang这个词本义为“回力镖、回飞镖”,投出后能旋转着飞出,如击不中目标又能飞回投掷者手中。所以boomerang children并不是真正的children,而是指那些已经离家独立一段时间,之后又返回父母家中,依靠父母的成年人,即“还巢儿、啃老族”。